Univ.-Prof. Dipl. oec. troph. Dr. Ina Bergheim, Privatdoz.
- Mail: ina.bergheim@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-54981
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 330021 UE Practice of Advanced Human Nutrition
- 330053 SE Scientific Writing Bachelor thesis for the subject Household Economy and Nutrition
- 330063 SE Scientific Writing and Bachelor Thesis - für Bachelorstudierende Ernährungswissenschaften Version 2013
- 330105 VO Nutritional Scienes as a Scientific Discipline - Teil der STEOP im Bachelor EW Version 2013 und Bachelor Lehramt
- 330112 VO Anatomy and Histology
- 330120 UE Nutrition and Immune Function
- 580002 SE PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures - Scientific Lectures
- 330019 VO Biochemistry
- 330028 UE Research Methods in Nutritional Sciences
- 330053 SE Scientific Writing Bachelor thesis for the subject Household Economy and Nutrition
- 330060 SE Seminar Advanced Human Nutrition
- 330062 VO Research Methods in Nutritional Sciences
- 330063 SE Scientific Writing and Bachelor Thesis - für Bachelorstudierende Ernährungswissenschaften Version 2013
- 330105 VO Nutritional Scienes as a Scientific Discipline - Teil der STEOP im Bachelor EW Version 2013 und Bachelor Lehramt
- 330115 VO Applied and Advanced Human Nutrition
- 330120 UE Molecular Research Methods in Nutritional Sciences
- 580002 SE PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures - Scientific Lectures
- 330021 UE Practice of Advanced Human Nutrition
- 330053 SE Scientific Writing Bachelor thesis for the subject Household Economy and Nutrition
- 330063 SE Scientific Writing and Bachelor Thesis - für Bachelorstudierende Ernährungswissenschaften Version 2013
- 330105 VO Nutritional Scienes as a Scientific Discipline - Teil der STEOP im Bachelor EW Version 2013 und Bachelor Lehramt
- 330112 VO Anatomy and Histology
- 330120 UE Nutrition and Immune Function
- 580002 SE PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures - Scientific Lectures
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00