Universität Wien

Alternative compulsory module group: Zoology (120 ECTS)

300012 UE (ON-SITE) Body plans of anmials, part 2
300275 UE (ON-SITE) Animal Physiology Laboratory 1 - Reproduction, Metabolism and Immunology
300214 UE (ON-SITE) Animal Physiology Laboratory 2 - Nerve, Muscle, Senses
300101 UE (ON-SITE) Practical training in determination native animals - Morphology, systematics and diversity of Central European animals
300301 UE (ON-SITE) Central European habitat types - in mehreren Parallelen
300083 EX (ON-SITE) Biological field course in the Alps - Animal-Plant Interactions
300096 EX (ON-SITE) Zoological basic excursions - (parallel courses)
300027 VO [de en] (ON-SITE) Fundamentals in Limnology
300036 VO [en] (ON-SITE) Molecular Evolution
300106 VO (MIXED) Human physiology
300187 VO (REMOTE) Human Neuroanatomy
300191 VO (MIXED) Anatomy of the skull
300220 VO Palaeoecology
300386 UE (ON-SITE) Cells in the light microscope
300495 VO Ecophysiology
300601 UE (ON-SITE) Diversity, systematics and ecology of algae, plants and fungi for ecologists - Exercise in three parallel courses
300616 UE (ON-SITE) Life Cycles of Plants
301322 VO Neurobiology
300031 UE (ON-SITE) Practical Course: Vertebrates - Comparative Morphology of Vertebrates
300115 UE (ON-SITE) DNA Barcoding - A new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research
300176 UE [de en] (ON-SITE) Diversity and functional attributes of biological communities - along enviromental gradients
300081 PP [en] (ON-SITE) Research Project in Cognitive Biology
300172 PP (ON-SITE) Groundwater ecology
300182 PP (ON-SITE) Animal communities of Central European floodplain forests: - Effects of flooding events and grassland management

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44