Ass.-Prof. Dr. Dmitriy Knyazev, BSc MA
- Mail:
- Telefon: +43-1-4277-38164
Visitenkarte: vCard
Forschungsprofil: u:cris
Lehre (iCal)
- 040150 SE Masterarbeitskonversatorium
- 040202 KU Market Design: Theory and Applications (MA)
- 040364 VO Contracts, coordination, and incentives (MA)
- 390021 SE Forschungsprivatissimum: Topics of Organization & Human Resources - Topics of Organization & Human Resources
- 040113 KU Foundations of Business Decision-Making (MA)
- 040117 SE Masterarbeitskonversatorium
- 040186 VO Contracts, coordination, and incentives (MA)
- 390021 SE PhD-M: Forschungsprivatissimum: Topics of Organization & Human Resources
- 040035 KU Contracts, coordination, and incentives (MA)
- 040202 KU Market Design: Theory and Applications (MA)
- 040388 KU Personnel Economics I (MA)
- 390021 SE Forschungsprivatissimum: Topics of Organization & Human Resources - Topics of Organization & Human Resources
Letzte Änderung: Do 06.02.2025 09:01