Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Petra Sumasgutner
Visitenkarte: vCard
Forschungsprofil: u:cris
stv. Leiterin - Core Facility KLF für Verhaltens- und Kognitionsbiologie
Lehre (iCal)
- 300053 SE Current topics in human-animal relationships - Discussion of new scientific results. Seminar with lecture human-animal relations
- 300091 VU Biologging Methods - Understanding GPS and ACC technology, applications in behavioural ecology and advanced statistical movement analysis
- 300136 UE Animal Personality
- 300137 UE Social Complexity
- 300152 SE Seminar for Masters in Behavioural Ecology
- 300253 VU Methods in Field Research - Focus: Birds and small Mammals
- 300112 VO Current topics in human-animal relationships - Lecture to Seminar: 300053 SE Current topics in human-animal relationships (Summerterm)
- 300152 SE Seminar for Masters in Behavioural Ecology
- 300188 UE Verhaltensökologie - Verhaltensökologische Übungen an der Konrad - Lorenz - Forschungsstelle, Grünau
- 300053 SE Current topics in human-animal relationships - Discussion of new scientific results. Seminar with lecture human-animal relations
- 300136 UE Animal Personality
- 300137 UE Social Complexity
- 300152 SE Seminar for Masters in Behavioural Ecology
- 300253 VU Methods in Field Research - Focus: Birds and small Mammals
Letzte Änderung: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00