Mag. Florian Goldenberg
Visitenkarte: vCard
Forschungsprofil: u:cris
Department für Mikrobiologie und Ökosystemforschung Althanstr. 14, 1090 Wien T: +43-1-4277-76682
Lehre (iCal)
- 300353 UE Applied programming for Bioinformatics - Principles and techniques for simple programming to solve biological problems, using a common programming language. Practical experience with text processing and automation of external programms.
- 300186 PP Forschungspraktikum Ökologie
- 300353 UE Applied programming for Bioinformatics - Principles and techniques for simple programming to solve biological problems, using a common programming language. Practical experience with text processing and automation of external programms.
Letzte Änderung: So 27.10.2024 05:00