Universität Wien

UF EN 08b Aufbauwissen Cultural Studies und Literatur (Alternatives Pflichtmodul) (16 ECTS)

Wahl eines Alternativen Pflichtmoduls (UF EN 08a ODER UF EN 08b)

123042 PS [en] Literary Studies / Proseminar Literature - American Literature after the Second World War
123043 PS [en] Literary Studies / Proseminar Literature - Aspects of Jewish North American Writing
124183 VK [en] BEd 08b.3: VK Cultural Studies for Language Teachers - Beyond the Border. Versions of Scottishness in Culture and Society
124260 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Race, Gender, Class, Ethnicity; a Critical Analysis of American Media
124261 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Rap and HipHop in American Culture
124262 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Are You Beach Body Ready? Approaching Body Studies Through The Body Politics of Advertising
124263 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Myth - Transformations and Interrelations of a Core-Concept in Cultural Theories. Theoretical Analysis and Practical Application to Cultural Representations
124264 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Painting, Photo, Film, Exhibit: Analyzing Visual Materials
124265 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Constructing Heroic Masculinities for the Big Screen: Between the Tough Guy, the New Man and the Superhero
124266 KO [en] Critical Media Analysis - Reading Classic Western Movies
124341 PS [en] Literary Studies / Proseminar Literature - Creative Tension: Conflict in Literature
124342 PS [en] Literary Studies / Proseminar Literature - Friendship and Eros in English Literature
124344 PS [en] Literary Studies / Proseminar Literature - Angels and Demons: Dialectical Victorian Constructions and Subversive (Post-)Modernist Deconstructions of Femininity in Literature and Theory
124345 PS [en] Literary Studies / Proseminar Literature - Configurations of Gender and Genre in English Literature

Letzte Änderung: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29