B3 Specialization (16 ECTS)
1. Betriebswirtschaft
- 040166 KU Solidarische Ökonomie (MA)
- 040349 SE [ en ] Special Topics in Public and Non-Profit Management (MA)
- 040703 KU Advanced Quantitative Assessment of Public and Non-Profit Strategies II (MA)
- 040959 KU Strategisches Management im Gesundheitswesen (MA)
2. Finanzwirtschaft
- 040018 KU [ en ] Advanced BA/CF/FM: Behavioural Finance (MA)
- 040028 KU [ en ] Advanced FM: Portfolio Management (MA)
- 040029 SE [ en ] Seminar Asset Pricing (MA) - Market Microstructure
- 040031 KU [ en ] Advanced BA/FM: Limits of Arbitrage (MA)
- 040085 KU [ en ] Options and Derivatives (MA)
- 040090 KU [ en ] Corporate Finance 2 (MA)
- 040094 KU [ en ] Corporate Finance 1 (MA)
- 040095 KU [ en ] Investment Banking (MA)
- 040097 KU [ en ] Commercial Banking (MA)
- 040118 KU [ en ] Corporate Restructuring (MA)
- 040119 KU [ en ] Banking and Financial Intermediation 1 (MA)
- 040259 SE [ en ] Seminar Corporate Finance (MA)
- 040275 KU [ en ] Banking and Financial Intermediation 2 (MA)
- 040442 KU [ en ] Advanced FM: Market Microstructure (MA)
- 040514 KU [ en ] Advanced BA/CF/FM: Empirical Finance (MA)
- 040569 KU [ en ] Valuation (MA)
- 040642 SE [ en ] Seminar Portfoliomanagement (MA)
- 040783 PR Venture Capital and Finance (MA)
3. Operations Research
4. Ökonometrie und Statistik
- 040063 UK [ en ] Advanced Microeconometrics (MA) - Track in Data Analysis and Policy Evaluation
- 040256 UK [ en ] Panel Data Econometrics (MA) - Track in Data Analysis
- 040295 UK [ en ] Causal Inference (MA) - Track in Data Analysis and Policy Evaluation
- 040692 UK Ökonometrie
5. Wirtschaftssoziologie
6. Wirtschaftsrecht
Letzte Änderung: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32