- 280197 VO+UE [ de en ] MA-ERD-17.0 Finite Difference Modelling in Geosciences (PI)
- 450003 SE [ en ] Topics in Environmental Geosciences (PI)
- 450004 SE [ de en ] Topics in Mineralogy IV - Advances and Applications of spectroscopic techniques in Earth and material sciences
- 450005 VO+UE+PR Topics in Geodynamics - 3D mapping and geostatistical data analysis: Cases studies in high alpine terrain (PI)
- 450006 SE [ en ] Topics in Palaeontology
- 450007 VU [ de en ] Topics in lithospheric Research IV - Meteorite und Impakte unter der Lupe (PI)
- 450009 SE Advanced Paleoecology (PI)
- 450010 VU Stratigraphic Paleoecology - Principles and applications (PI)
Letzte Änderung: Do 11.05.2023 01:30