Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe Studienschwerpunkt A (44 ECTS)
A1 Advanced Microeconomics A (16 ECTS)
- 040055 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) KU Applied Microeconomics (MA)
- 040140 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Competition and Regulation: Theory (MA)
- 040157 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Microeconomics for Economics and Finance I (MA)
- 040205 KU [ en ] ( GEMISCHT ) Microeconomics II (MA)
- 040547 UK [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Mathematics for Economists (MA)
Consumption, Production and Welfare A
- 040144 SE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) State Ownership (MA)
Mathematics for Economists
A2 Dynamic Macroeconomics with Numerics (12 ECTS)
A3 Specialization in Economics (16 ECTS)
- 040033 VO [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts (MA)
- 040122 KU [ en ] ( GEMISCHT ) Topics in Behavioral and Experimental Economics (MA)
- 040138 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Field Experiments: Fighting Poverty
- 040140 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Competition and Regulation: Theory (MA)
- 040144 SE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) State Ownership (MA)
- 040159 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Collective Choice (MA)
- 040297 KU [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Political Economy (MA)
1. Makroökonomie
- 040110 KU [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Macroeconomics and Inequality (MA)
2. Mikroökonomie
- 040065 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Modelling bounded rationality (MA) - Smart heuristics and other alternatives to rational behavior
3. Ökonometrie
- 040115 UE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) UE Introductory Econometrics (MA)
- 040211 KU [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Forecasting (MA)
Letzte Änderung: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03