Universität Wien

Wahlbereich (0-10 ECTS)

120004 UE [en] (DIGITALPH-WIEN) BEd 10: Wahlbereich für Studierende des Lehramts (PM) - PH Wien - Freies Wahlfach: Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)
120010 SE [en] (DIGITAL) Staff Seminar - CFT
120017 SE [en] (DIGITALKPH) BEd 10: Wahlbereich für Studierende des Lehramts (PM) - KPH - Creative Writing and Text Production
120020 UE [en] (DIGITALPH-WIEN) BEd 10: Wahlbereich für Studierende des Lehramts (PM) - PH Wien - Methods and Strategies for Teaching at Lower Secondary School (MS): A toolbox for learning in a hetereogenous environment
120025 SE [en] (GEMISCHT) Staff Seminar - Professional Development for Lab Tutors
122030 VO [en] (VOR-ORT) History of English
122031 TR [en] (DIGITAL) History of English - Tutorial
123020 VO [en] (VOR-ORT) Literature Survey 1
123030 VO [en] (GEMISCHT) Literature Survey 2
124070 VO [en] (VOR-ORT) Culture, Society and the Media - Human and Nonhuman Bodies: Representing Animals, Environments, and Machines in Media
127010 KO [en] (VOR-ORT) Critical Readings in Literature - From Otranto to Gothic London: Reading 150 years of British Gothic Literature
127011 KO [en] (DIGITAL) Critical Readings in Literature - Dystopian Fiction and the Critique of Capitalism
127012 KO [en] (DIGITAL) Critical Readings in Literature - 20th-Century Anglophone Poetry
129002 AR [en] (DIGITALVOR-ORT) Phonetic Transcription
129003 AR [en] (DIGITAL) Freies Wahlfach - Peer Mentoring: learning processes in adult education
490400 VU (GEMISCHT) PM1 Digitale Transformationen

Letzte Änderung: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03