M5 Specialisation and Electives in Philosophy and Economics (26 ECTS)
M5.PHME-1 Specialisation in Philosophy, History, and Methodology of Economics (9 ECTS)
M5.PHME-1-E Economics (4 ECTS)
- 040049 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Truth, Precision and Certainty; Formal Methods in Economic Theory Seminar Masterprogramm
- 180205 VO [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part I, the 19th century
M5.PHME-1-P Philosophy (5 ECTS)
- 180165 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Philosophie der Sozialwissenschaften
- 180205 VO [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part I, the 19th century
M5.PHME-2 Extended Specialisation in Philosophy, History, and Methodology of Economics (13 ECTS)
M5.PHME-2-E Economics
- 040049 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Truth, Precision and Certainty; Formal Methods in Economic Theory Seminar Masterprogramm
- 180205 VO [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part I, the 19th century
M5.PHME-2-P Philosophy
- 180165 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Philosophie der Sozialwissenschaften
- 180205 VO [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) The Story of Economic Ideas: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part I, the 19th century
M5.RD-1 Specialisation in Rationality and Decision (9 ECTS)
M5.RD-1-E Economics (4 ECTS)
- 040176 SE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) VCEE: Seminar in Experimental Economics (MA)
- 040243 VO [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie (MA)
- 040267 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie II (MA)
M5.RD-1-P Philosophy (5 ECTS)
- 180138 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Metaphysics of Agency
M5.RD-2 Extended Specialisation in Rationality and Decision (13 ECTS)
M5.RD-2-E Economics
- 040065 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Modelling bounded rationality (MA) - Smart heuristics and other alternatives to rational behavior
- 040122 KU [ en ] ( GEMISCHT ) Topics in Behavioral and Experimental Economics (MA)
- 040176 SE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) VCEE: Seminar in Experimental Economics (MA)
- 040243 VO [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie (MA)
- 040267 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie II (MA)
- 040297 KU [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Political Economy (MA)
M5.RD-2-P Philosophy
- 180138 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Metaphysics of Agency
M5.EWJ-1 Specialisation in Ethics, Welfare, and Justice (9 ECTS)
M5.EWJ-1-E Economics (4 ECTS)
M5.EWJ-1-P Philosophy (5 ECTS)
- 180113 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Themen der neueren Sozialontologie
- 180207 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Ethics and Capital Markets
M5.EWJ-2 Extended Specialisation in Ethics, Welfare, and Justice (13 ECTS)
M5.EWJ-2-E Economics
- 040036 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Development Economics (MA)
- 040138 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Field Experiments: Fighting Poverty
- 040140 KU [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Competition and Regulation: Theory (MA)
M5.EWJ-2-P Philosophy
- 180113 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Themen der neueren Sozialontologie
- 180207 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Ethics and Capital Markets
M5.I-1 Independent Interdisciplinary Specialisation (9 ECTS)
M5.I-2 Extended Independent Interdisciplinary Specialisation (13 ECTS)
M5-El-1 Elective Topic (4 ECTS)
M5-El-2 Elective Topics (8 ECTS)
M5-El-3 Extended Elective Topics (13 ECTS)
M5-El-4 Specialist Elective Topics (17 ECTS)
Letzte Änderung: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03
You should also decide upfront which versions you plan to complete so you can register for the correct one.Students are free to research and propose courses they would like to complete as Electives or Independent Specialisations. These course suggestions must be approved upfront to guarantee their pertinence for the programme. Sometimes, courses are listed as suggestions under Electives and Independent Specialisations. These are automatically pertinent and don't need further approval. These courses are only suggestions, however. Students are encouraged to propose other courses they find useful for their studies.
Furthermore, all courses listed for P&E in general are automatically pertinent and can be completed as an elective (i.e. if you have already completed enough courses for your desired specialisation, you can still take another course offered for it as an elective). However, you may not just complete the exact same course twice!