Universität Wien

APMG-B Foundations of Computational Science B (für Absolvent*innen eines Vorstudiums Mathematik) (24 ECTS)

PMG-PA Pflichtmodul Programming and Algorithms (12 ECTS)

PROG Pflichtmodul Programming (6 ECTS)

PLC Pflichtmodul Programming Languages and Concepts (6 ECTS)

WMG-NAT Wahlmodulgruppe Computational Natural Sciences (12 ECTS)

ICA Introduction to Computational Astrophysics (6 ECTS)

ICBD Introduction to Computational Biology and Drug Discovery (6 ECTS)

ICCP Introduction to Computational Chemistry and Physics (6 ECTS)

ICM Introduction to Computational Meteorology (6ECTS)

Letzte Änderung: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01