4. Pflichtmodulgruppe Literaturwissenschaft und Kulturwissenschaft
4.1. M-09 - Modul Literaturgeschichte
- 120055 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English 1 - From the Renaissance to the Restoration: A Brief Survey
- 120034 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English 2 - British Literature 1660-2000
- 120127 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English 2 - North American Literature and Culture from 1607-1890
4.2. M-10 - Modul Cultural and Regional Studies
- 120030 VO [ en ] Cultural and Regional Studies: American Civilization
- 120130 VO [ en ] Cultural and Regional Studies: British Civilisation - Dis-Uniting the United Kingdom: Difference, Diversity and Division in modern Britain
4.3. Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe Literaturwissenschaft
4.3.1. M-11 - Modul Advanced Literary Studies
- 120081 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature: Diversities: Contemporary American Fiction
- 120065 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature: Exploring the Literature-Science Interface - Darwin, Freud, Heisenberg & Co
- 120033 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature: Picture-Books - Word and Image in English Literatures
- 120059 PS [ en ] Proseminar Literature: "Trust thyself" - Nineteenth-century Identity-building in American Literature
- 120009 KO [ en ] Lektürekompetenz (Literaturproseminar) - James Joyce
4.3.2. M-12 - Modul Seminar Literaturwissenschaft / BA-Arbeit
- 120012 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit: Classic Irish Drama
- 120118 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit: Tension, Thrill, Suspense - Hair-raising Effects in Short Story, Novel, Ballad, Drama and Film
- 120014 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit: contemporary neo-Victorian novels - The 19th century through modern eyes
- 120116 SE [ en ] Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA-Arbeit: Screening Jane Austen
- 120020 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit: 21st-Century English Novels
4.4. Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe Kulturwissenschaft
4.4.1. M-13 - Modul Topics in Cultural and Regional Studies
- 120155 PS [ en ] Proseminar Cultural and Regional Studies (Interdisciplinary Course): Intercultural Communication
- 120032 PS [ en ] Proseminar Cultural and Regional Studies (Interdisciplinary Course): "Native Sons" - Narratives of Black Masculinities in US-American Literature and Culture
- 120158 PS [ en ] Proseminar Cultural and Regional Studies (Interdisciplinary Course): Language and Power
- 120099 KO [ en ] Kritische Medienkompetenz: Film genres we live by - Theoretical and critical approaches to major film genres and selected genre films
4.4.2. M-14 - Modul Seminar Kulturwissenschaft / BA-Arbeit
Letzte Änderung: Mi 13.06.2018 00:35