Universität Wien
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060067 SE Seminar Bachelor Thesis Prehistory: Finds from Bisamberg near Vienna (2023W)

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 10 participants
Language: English


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

The first meeting will take place on Monday, 2 October 2023 at 9:15 a.m. in the study collection of the Institute for Prehistory and Historical Archaeology. In addition to an introductory lecture on the Bisamberg, the meeting serves to provide information on the format of the course and to view the finds from the Bisamberg in the Institute's collection.
Further dates will take place on four Mondays at the Museum Langenzersdorf (Obere Kirchengasse 23, 2103 Langenzersdorf): 9 October, 16 October, 23 October and 30 October, from 9:15 to 16:00.

  • Monday 02.10. 09:15 - 11:00 Ort in u:find Details
  • Monday 09.10. 09:15 - 16:00 Ort in u:find Details
  • Monday 16.10. 09:15 - 16:00 Ort in u:find Details
  • Monday 23.10. 09:15 - 16:00 Ort in u:find Details
  • Monday 30.10. 09:15 - 16:00 Ort in u:find Details


Aims, contents and method of the course

In the course of the Bachelorseminar Prehistory Bisamberg, finds in the archives of the Museum Langenzersdorf will be viewed, photographed, catalogued and identified. The individual steps of a systematic recording of finds are explained, practised and accompanied. Typo-chronological classification by means of comparison and literature research will take place independently between the dates. The aim is the joint compilation of an overview catalogue of the museum's holdings and their geographical allocation to the individual find sites around the Bisamberg.
The Bisamberg, which marks the Vienna Gate on the northern bank of the Danube, is a characteristic elevation as the north-easternmost foothill of the Central Alps. It extends over the municipalities of Bisamberg, Langenzersdorf and Hagenbrunn in the district of Korneuburg and over Stammersdorf and Strebersdorf on the municipal territory of Vienna. Traces of settlements in the area of the Bisamberg are documented from the Mesolithic period (ca. 8000 BC). It gave its name to the Neolithic Bisamberg-Oberpullendorf group and is significant as one of the few known Middle Bronze Age hilltop settlements. Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Late Iron Age finds came to light at various sites during construction work and military activities.

Assessment and permitted materials

Registration for the course must be done via U:SPACE. The course attendance is compulsory. A single excused absence is permitted. A foreseeable non-attendance or absence must be announced in advance by e-mail: Katharina.Rebay-Salisbury@univie.ac.at.
Review of the different tasks assigned for each course unit within the framework of target agreements, which are presented by the students in the following course unit. The partial performances are planned both orally and in writing in presence. In view of the future development of Covid-19, it is possible that the partial performances will be taken digitally in writing or digitally orally; changes in examination modalities due to Covid-19 will be announced separately.
In addition to working on the finds material in Langenzersdorf, it is also possible to work on an individually chosen topic. In this case, it is still obligatory to attend the practical units. The written Bachelor's thesis must be submitted by e-mail by the end of 2023; feedback and suggestions for improvement will be given promptly. The second, corrected version must be submitted by the end of the semester and will be assessed. Bachelor theses may be submitted in German or English.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Participation in the photography, description and cataloguing of the finds in the museum: 50%
Research and written submission of cultural-historical classification including comparisons: 30%.
Active participation and discussions: 20%.
All parts of the course must be completed, but at least 80%.

Examination topics

Each individual assignment and the sequential overall presentation of the assigned finds.

Reading list

Fundberichte und bisherige Veröffentlichungen zur Fundstelle Bisamberg (sie werden per Moodle digital zur Verfügung gestellt):
Czech-Czechenherz, J. 1929. Der Wall auf dem Wiesenberg bei Wien. Nachrichtenblatt für deutsche Vorzeit 5: 134.
Hauptmann, M., and Ruttkay, E. 1991. Untersuchung von epilengyelzeitlichen Gußlöffelfragmenten von Bisamberg-Hochfeld, VB Wien-Umgebung, Niederösterreich. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft Wien 121: 182-183.
Kaus, M. 1986. Altmaterial aus einer mittelbronzezeitlichen Höhensiedlung am Bisamberg bei Wien. Mitteilungen der Urgeschichtlichen Arbeitsgemeinschaft in der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 36: 33-56.
Kmoch, L. L. 1966. Eine Mesolith-Station auf dem Bisamberg bei Wien. Rund um den Bisamberg 3: 5-26.
Ladenbauer-Orel, H. 1954–59. Die neolithische Frauenstatuette von Langenzersdorf bei Wien. Jahrbuch für prähistorische und ethnographische Kunst 19: 7–15.
Ladenbauer-Orel, H. 1965. Die kultische Hirschbestattung von Lang-Enzersdorf bei Wien. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 95: 250–258.
Mitchell, P. 2017. "Wiens vergessener Schutzring. Die sogenannten Preußenschanzen, 1866," in Pieler, F. and Trebsche, P. (eds) Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie 2017. Festschrift für Ernst Lauermann. 435-443. Asparn: Niederösterreichisches Landesmuseum.
Much, M. 1874. Ein befestigtes Lager der Steinzeit auf dem Bisamberg bei Wien. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 4: 69-86.
Neugebauer-Maresch, C. (ed.) 1993. Altsteinzeit im Osten Österreichs. Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe Niederösterreich. St. Pölten-Wien: Niederösterreichisches Pressehaus.
Ranseder, C. 1995. Urnenfelderzeitliche Funde vom Bisamberg bei Wien. Archäologie Österreichs 6, 1: 65-72.
Ruttkay, E. 1991. Das Ende der Donauländischen Welt und Südosteuropa. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft Wien 121: 159-181.
Urban, O. H. 1989. Wegweiser in die Urgeschichte Österreichs. Wien: Österreichischer Bundesverlag.
Urban, O. H. 2000. Der lange Weg zur Geschichte. Die Urgeschichte Österreichs. Wien: Ueberreuter.
Wiesbauer, H., Zettel, H., Fischer, M. A., and Maier, R. 2011. Der Bisamberg und die Alten Schanzen. Vielfalt am Rande der Großstadt Wien. St. Pölten: Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 20.03.2024 13:45