Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Katharina Rebay-Salisbury
- Mail: katharina.rebay-salisbury@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-40470
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: by appointment
Katharina Rebay-Salisbury is professor of Prehistory of Humanity at the University of Vienna and directs the research group ‘Prehistoric Identities’ at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Enthusiastic about the European Bronze and Iron Ages, her research focusses on combining interdisciplinary approaches for insights into people’s lives, identities and social relations in prehistory. Her current research explores themes such as sex and gender, motherhood, kinship, mobility and migration through ERC and FWF-funded projects analyzing burial contexts and human remains from Central Europe.
Research Areas: Prehistoric Archaeology, Gender Archaeology, Kinship, Mobility
Research Areas: Prehistoric Archaeology, Gender Archaeology, Kinship, Mobility
Deputy Head - Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology
Member - Equal Opportunities Working Party
Teaching (iCal)
- 060035 VO Concepts and methods of prehistoric and historical archaeology
- 060036 VO Introduction to Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology
- 060039 VO Interpretations and theories in prehistoric and historical archaeology
- 060042 VO Introduction Iron Age
- 060055 LP Practical Fieldwork Százhalombatta-Földvár - a Bronze Age tell settlement at the Danube
- 060082 SE Making archaeology relevant for the present: archaeology and the Sustainable Development
- 060085 SE Seminar Master Thesis: finding a topic, structure and exposé
- 060089 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060004 VO Introduction to Archaeological Concepts and Methods of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
- 060038 VO Introduction to Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology
- 060041 VO Interpretations and theories in prehistory and historical archaeology
- 060057 UE UE Field Trip: Austria- Bisamberg (2 days)
- 060066 SE Europe in the Iron Age
- 060070 SE Topic search and exposé
- 060072 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060039 VO Concepts, methods and theories of prehistory and historical archaeology
- 060040 VO Introduction Cultural History of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
- 060053 LP Excavation Százhalombatta-Földvár
- 060075 UE Field Trip: Austria (2 days)
- 060081 SE News from the prehistoric past
- 060085 SE Thesis Seminar
- 300197 RV Human Evolution and Archaeological Science 2
Last modified: Th 20.02.2025 13:40