Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes (2025S)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 06.02.2025 14:00 to Th 20.02.2025 18:00
- Deregistration possible until Sa 15.03.2025 18:00
max. 10 participants
Language: English
- Gerald Schneeweiss
- Michael H. J. Barfuss
- Marion Chartier
- Florian Etl
- Irmgard Greilhuber
- Fridgeir Grimsson
- Ovidiu Paun
- Johann Schinnerl
- Hanna Schneeweiss
- Jürg Schönenberger
- Silvia Ulrich
- Karin Vetschera
- Hermann Voglmayr
- Norman Wickett
- Anna Maria Louise von Balthazar-Schönenberger
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
A list of potential projects is available at https://master-program-botany.univie.ac.at/studies/specific-research-project-summer-term-25/ (this list is not comprehensive and you may settle on a project with your suprevisor during this practical beforehand).
- N Thursday 06.03. 09:00 - 10:00 Digital
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Written protocol (12 points)
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Protocol, preferably in the form of a scientific manuscript (12 points).
Minimum requirement for positive credit: 6.5 points
Credit key:
0-6.25 points: 5 (failed)
6.5-7.75 points: 4 (sufficient)
8-9.25 points: 3 (satisfactory)
9.5-10.75 points: 2 (good)
11-12 points: 1 (excellent)
Minimum requirement for positive credit: 6.5 points
Credit key:
0-6.25 points: 5 (failed)
6.5-7.75 points: 4 (sufficient)
8-9.25 points: 3 (satisfactory)
9.5-10.75 points: 2 (good)
11-12 points: 1 (excellent)
Examination topics
The student projects are associated with ongoing research project of the supervising researchers.
Reading list
Depending on the actual research project
Association in the course directory
MBO 6, MEC-9, MES5
Last modified: Tu 04.02.2025 09:06
Students are able to plan, conduct, and present (in the form of a scientific manuscript) a small stand-alone research project in the field of structural botany.Contents:
Depending on the specific reserach project (information is provided online)Methods:
Students conduct a small research project within one of the participating research groups. This entails data collection, data analyses and presentation of results in the form of a scientific manuscript.