Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Hanna Schneeweiss, Privatdoz.
- Mail: hanna.schneeweiss@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-54159
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Director of Studies - Ecology and Evolution Directorate of Doctoral Studies
Teaching (iCal)
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300477 SE Scientific Presentation - Seminar for Master Students in Botany
- 300536 UE Genetics and Molecular Biology
- 300627 SE Trends in Plant Genome Evolution
- 300648 UE Molecular and cytogenetic tools in ecology & evolution
- 550003 SE Path to Success: Exploring Academic Careers
- 300023 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300128 VO Developmental Biology and Reproduction of plants
- 300153 VU Diversity and organization levels of plants, algae and fungi
- 300319 UE Plant Chromosome Structure and Evolution: theory and practice - Chromosome analysis in flowering plants
- 300343 VO Genome structure and evolution
- 300419 PR Diversity in plants and fungi: from form to function
- 300428 VO Plant Ultra Structure and Cytology
- 300429 SE Seminar in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
- 301554 PP Advanced course in molecular biology
- 301849 UE Scientific Practice in Molecular Microbiology, Ecology or Immunobiology
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300390 UE Basic Methods of Evolutionary and Structural Botany
- 300536 UE Genetics and Molecular Biology
- 300648 UE Molecular and cytogenetic tools in ecology & evolution
Last modified: Fr 14.02.2025 11:40