Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lea Ann Dailey
- Mail: leaann.dailey@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-55499
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Deputy Head - Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Teaching (iCal)
- 322004 PR Practical Course on Magistral Formulae - MA4 - M3 - (6 Kurse)
- 322029 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Technological Research - M13
- 322104 PR Practical Course on Magistral Formulae - M3 - (3 Kurse)
- 322563 VU Phytotherapy: from bench to bedside - M14 - (incl. Exkursion)
- 322577 VO Design of Experiments and Scientific Practice - M7/M14
- 251036 VO Pharmaceutical technology
- 321030 VO Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics - B16
- 322004 PR Practical Course on Magistral Formulae - M3 - (6 Kurse)
- 322029 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Technological Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 322025 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Technological Research - M13
- 322563 VU Phytotherapy: from bench to bedside - M14 - (incl. Exkursion)
- 322577 VO Design of Experiments and Scientific Practice - M7/M14
- 323007 UE Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery und Preclinical Drug Development - MPS6 - DD7 - ( 2 Courses)
Last modified: Mo 17.02.2025 13:21