Dipl.-Kfm. Dr. Maximilian Benner, LLB MSc
- Mail: maximilian.benner@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-48625
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 290071 SE Geography of Innovation and Sustainability Transformations
- 290077 SE Strategic Development und Governance
- 290127 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography - Sustainable Tourism Development in Regions
- 290296 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Development
- 290012 PS Economic Geography
- 290073 VO StEOP: Introduction to Human Geography I
- 290074 VO StEOP: Introduction to Human Geography II
- 290078 VU Basics in Socio-Economic Transformations
- 290082 SE Regional Innovation Policy and Governance
- 290107 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Development
Last modified: We 12.02.2025 12:20