Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt
- Mail: ulrike.felt@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-49611
- Mobile: +43-664-8175013
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 220074 VO INSOWI A: VO WITHEGI Theory and History of Science
- 233046 SE Living in a nuclear world: Between past experiences, present decisions and future imaginaries
- 233051 SE-MA Coping with trouble II: Seminar for Master Students in "Science-Technology-Society" (STS)
- 233053 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students in Social Studies of Science
- 220006 VO INSOWI A: VO WITHEGI Theory and History of Science
- 233020 VO Science, Technology, Society (STS): Key Questions and Concepts
- 233021 KO Discussion Class Key-questions and Concepts
- 233025 SE-MA Coping with trouble I: Thesis seminar for Master students in "Science-Technology-Society" (STS)
- 400005 FK Research Colloquium for doctoral candidates in STS - Research Colloquium
- 520032 SE Science career development II: Responsibility of and in research
- 220074 VO INSOWI A: VO WITHEGI Theory and History of Science
- 233042 SE Data, data, data: Digital transformation meets environmental challenges
- 233051 SE-MA Coping with trouble II: Seminar for Master Students in "Science-Technology-Society" (STS)
- 233053 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students in Social Studies of Science
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 11:00