Univ.-Prof. Dr. Monika Pietrzak-Franger
- Mail: monika.pietrzak-franger@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-42481
- Mobile: +43-664-8176470
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: To arrange individual meetings, please register under: https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/de/p/4b272bad8e10eecb37e2457eadc49d72-14754Please be aware that you can reach me via phone during my office hours. If the line is busy, please call a couple of minutes later.If you have to, please cancel early enough for other students to use the slot!Twitter: franger_monika
ORCID: 0000-0002-9431-5999
https://hcommons.org/members/monika/Information about my most recent work in Medical Humanities can be found here:
Medical Humanities - https://medicalhumanities.univie.ac.at/
Post-Covid-19 Care - https://postcovidcare.univie.ac.at/
A 'Visiodemic' - https://angl.winter-verlag.de/article/angl/2021/3/15
Workshop 'A Visiodemic' - https://medicalhumanities.univie.ac.at/visiodemic-pandemische-medienwelten-und-ihre-virulenz/
Podcast - 'Viral Theatre' - https://medicalhumanities.univie.ac.at/viral-theatre-podcast/
Die Bilder der Pandemie (The Images of the Pandemic)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goSw_3fWp54
ORCID: 0000-0002-9431-5999
https://hcommons.org/members/monika/Information about my most recent work in Medical Humanities can be found here:
Medical Humanities - https://medicalhumanities.univie.ac.at/
Post-Covid-19 Care - https://postcovidcare.univie.ac.at/
A 'Visiodemic' - https://angl.winter-verlag.de/article/angl/2021/3/15
Workshop 'A Visiodemic' - https://medicalhumanities.univie.ac.at/visiodemic-pandemische-medienwelten-und-ihre-virulenz/
Podcast - 'Viral Theatre' - https://medicalhumanities.univie.ac.at/viral-theatre-podcast/
Die Bilder der Pandemie (The Images of the Pandemic)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goSw_3fWp54
Teaching (iCal)
- 124070 VO Culture, Society and the Media - (Sexual) Health: Media, Inequalities and Justice
- 124265 KO Critical Media Analysis - Gender, Sex and Age: Representation and Stigmatization across Media
- 128461 SE MA-Seminar (Literature/Cultural Studies - Final Module 6)
- 124070 VO Culture, Society and the Media - (Sexual) Health: Media, Inequalities and Justice
- 124265 KO Critical Media Analysis - Reading the Body: Representation and Stigmatization across Media
- 124268 AR Cultural/Media Studies 1/2 (AR) - Sexuality: Representation and Stigmatization across Media
- 128303 VO Literary and Cultural Theories and Concepts (MA)
- 420005 SE Knowledge and Media: Current Trends in Literary and Cultural Studies
- 124070 VO Culture, Society and the Media - Visual Cultures and Health
- 124220 SE Cultural and Media Studies Seminar - Victorian Material Cultures
- 124265 KO Critical Media Analysis - Health and Illness: Representation and Stigmatization across Media
- 128302 KU Toolkit for Research and Writing (MA Literature)
Last modified: Mo 03.02.2025 09:01