Universität Wien

Lonneke Petronella Pauline Delpeut, BA MA

Currently not an active member of staff

Portrait Lonneke Petronella Pauline Delpeut

Title project: A picture is worth a thousand words - how is meaning created in ancient Egyptian tomb decorations in the 18th dynasty in Thebes?

When studied, tomb depictions are often considered to function similar to a written language, as purely symbolic imagery or as a literal representation of reality. This project aims to study how meaning is created in ancient Egyptian tomb decorations by studying their image content, image rendering and image referent.

First, it analyses the image composition by identifying the image content, i.e. what is depicted by looking at the generic, specifying and additional features of a scene. Secondly, the image rendering is studied, i.e. how the image content is made visible by looking at the image’s formative features, namely detail, form, proportions and spatiality. Lastly, the image referent will be studied, i.e. who, what, when or where is depicted. Image referents are created by using identity markers, which are not always part of the content or appearance of the image, which is why it is so important to analyse this component of the image separately. They can be textual, co-pictorial, contextual, emblematic or iconic.

The scope of this project is New Kingdom private tombs in the Theban Necropolis. The works of Pichler and Ubl (2014), Kent Weeks (1979) and Dimitri Laboury will be used to create a conceptual framework to analyse tomb depictions.
Academia: https://univie.academia.edu/LonnekeDelpeut

Delpeut, L. P. P. and Matič, U. 2024 (under review). On Stallions and Mares: Gendering of War Horses in Ancient Egypt. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies.

Delpeut, L.P.P., Rogner, F., (in press), ‘The King Himself Training His Horses: Two New Perspectives on an Unusual Scene in Ramses III’s Temple at Medinet Habu’, Göttinger Miszellen.

Delpeut, L.P.P., Willekes, C., 2023, ‘Reality as a Representational Strategy in Depictions of Horses in Ancient Greek and Egyptian Art: How Purpose Influences Appearance’, Arts 2023, 12(2), 57.

Delpeut, L.P.P., 2022, The horse in Ancient Egypt: A Status Symbol or a Status Marker? In: Bohun, H., Husøy, T.A., Furlan, U., Narratives of Power: Proceedings of the University of Wales Institute of Classics and Ancient History Postgraduate Conference, Archaeopress: UK, p. 1-22.

Delpeut, L.P.P., 2021c, ‘What makes a Horse a Horse? Configurational Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Equines’, Cheiron: The International Journal of Equine and Equestrian History: Nov. 2021, Trivent Publishing: Hungary, 1-45.

Delpeut, L.P.P., 2021b, The Role of the Horse in Ancient Egypt: In Society and Imagery, in: Recht, L, Zeman-Wisniewska, K., Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record - New Approaches, New Dimensions, Equinox eBooks Publishing: UK, p. 114-128.

Delpeut, L.P.P., Hettema, H., 2021a, Ancient Arabian Horses? Revisiting Ancient Egyptian Equine Imagery, in: Cárcamo, M.A., Casado, R.S., Orozco, A.P. (eds), Current Research in Egyptology: Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Symposium, University of Alcalá, 17-21 June 2019, Archaeopress: UK, p. 168-182.

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Last modified: Th 03.10.2024 05:01