Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Math. Dr. Peter Reichl, Privatdoz.
- Mail: peter.reichl@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-79410
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Sprechstunden nur nach Vereinbarung
Teaching (iCal)
- 051011 VO Technical Foundations of Computer Science
- 051012 PUE Technical Foundations of Computer Science
- 051070 LP Practical Software Course with Bachelor's Thesis
- 051080 LP Practical Software Course with Bachelor's Thesis
- 052618 VU Network Technologies for Multimedia Applications
- 052701 VU Foundations of Networked Systems
- 053021 LP Practical Course: Computer Science 1
- 053031 LP Practical Course: Computer Science 2
- 053049 SE Master Seminar
- 053212 VU Cooperative Systems (Business Informatics)
- 059911 LP Quantum Computing Applications
- 500503 SE Doctoral Research Seminar - Human-Computer Interaction and Education
- 051011 VO Technical Foundations of Computer Science
- 051012 PUE Technical Foundations of Computer Science
- 051070 LP Practical Software Course with Bachelor's Thesis
- 051080 LP Practical Software Course with Bachelor's Thesis
- 051140 VO Introduction to Mathematical Modelling
- 051141 UE Introduction to Mathematical Modelling
- 052701 VU Foundations of Networked Systems
- 053021 LP Practical Course: Computer Science 1
- 053031 LP Practical Course: Computer Science 2
- 053049 SE Master Seminar
- 059905 SE Once Upon a Time: 400 Years of Computing Technology
- 059907 LP Quantum Algorithms Hands-on
- 500503 SE Doctoral Research Seminar - Human-Computer Interaction and Education
Last modified: Fr 14.02.2025 09:20