Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Andreas Stohl
- Mail: andreas.stohl@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-53730
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
(C) Barbara Mair
interim Head - Vienna Network for Atmospheric Research
Teaching (iCal)
- 280319 VO Chemistry of the Atmosphere
- 280325 SE Bachelorseminar
- 280357 SE Paper Club I
- 280358 KU Specialisation
- 280360 SE Scientific communication: Meteorological-Geophysical colloquium
- 450205 KO Meteorology PhD Seminar
- 280300 VO STEOP: Overview of Meteorology and Climatology
- 280350 VO Environmental Meteorology
- 280375 KU Specialisation
- 280377 SE Meteorological seminar
- 280379 SE Meteorological-Geophysical colloquium
- 450301 KO Meteorology PhD Seminar
- 280319 VO Chemistry of the Atmosphere
- 280325 SE Bachelorseminar
- 280357 SE Paper Club I
- 280358 KU Specialisation
- 280359 SE Scientific communication - Meteorological seminar
- 280360 SE Scientific communication: Meteorological-Geophysical colloquium
- 450205 KO Meteorology PhD Seminar
Last modified: We 12.03.2025 14:20