Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dorothea Nolde
- Mail: dorothea.nolde@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-40839
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Mittwoch 11:00 - 12:00
Online-Anmeldung unter https://www.univie.ac.at/geschichte/termin/index.php?provider=9
Online-Anmeldung unter https://www.univie.ac.at/geschichte/termin/index.php?provider=9
Teaching (iCal)
- 070051 VO Introduction to Historical and Cultural European Studies / Modern History
- 070130 UE Reading Course Introduction in Historical and Cultural European Studies / Modern History
- 070131 VO History of the Modern Era (ca. 1500 to ca. 1914)
- 070135 UE Guided Reading Modern History - Female Rulers in Early Modern Europe
- 070136 PS BA-Proseminar - Female Rulers in Early Modern Europe
- 070129 UE Guided Reading Modern History - The history of modern Diplomacy (1500-1900)
- 070130 VO Basic Questions of Political History
- 070166 VO Modern History
- 070221 PS BA-Proseminar - Reading the Traces - Signs and their interpretation in the Early Modern Period
- 070252 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070119 EX Field Trip - The Early Modern Period in Vienna
- 070120 SE Seminar - Narration and Narrativity in Early Modern History - Narrativität in der Geschichtswissenschaft (Schwerpunkt Frühe Neuzeit)
- 070126 UE Guided Reading Modern History - Historical Anthropology - An Introduction
Last modified: Tu 16.07.2024 10:20