Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Dietlind Hüchtker
- Mail: dietlind.huechtker@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-67102
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Faculty centre for transdisciplinary historical-cultural studies, Kolingasse 14-16, 1090 Wien, Room 04.32
Teaching (iCal)
- 070093 VO StEOP: Basics of Historical and Cultural Thinking
- 070252 UE Workshop on Methodology - The history of gender studies: contexts, debates and strategies - Kontexte, Debatten und Materialien
- 070286 UE Proposal-Workshop
- 410003 FKO Colloquium Research Cluster "Social and Economic Spaces" - Space and spatial concepts
- 410004 SE The genres of history writing. Hayden White revisited
- 070111 VO StEOP: Basics of Historical and Cultural Thinking
- 070268 VO Introduction on Women's and Gender History (Lecture series)
- 070276 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 410001 FKO Colloquium Research Cluster Women's and Gender History
- 070050 VO StEOP: Basics of Historical and Cultural Thinking
- 070180 PS BA-Proseminar - Transregional History of Prostitution/Sex Work
- 070181 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Mountain Studies - Approaches from economic and social history
- 070246 SE Research Seminar - Situated Disciplines. Gender and Women's Studies in Archives - (USA and Austria since 1970) Part II: Writing History
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00