Universität Wien

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Ute Smit

Portrait Ute Smit
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours:

Next Office Hours (onsite or online):
Winter Semester 2024: usually once a week, for the actual days & times see the termino-link below)

If you want to see me in one of my office hours, please sign up for a slot here (tick 2-3 slots f it concerns your master project that I supervise): https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/en/p/fa11c1c4b5e39cba05895971dd911dc1-198407

Office hours will take place on-site or online (indicate your choice when signing up):
Meeting ID: 631 6236 8003; Passcode: 315923

Out of office: Oct. 9-11, 21-23; Nov. 14-16, 27-29
Out of office and offline: Oct. 31, Dec. 27+30 (and on all weekends & Austrian public holidays)



Teaching (iCal)

Teaching prior to 2024S...

Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00