Mag. Dr. Beatrix Hiesmayr, Privatdoz.
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-51250
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information, Währinger Straße 17, 1090 Wien, Room 503
Teaching (iCal)
- 260002 LP Lab-Course: Theoretical Physics
- 260019 PUE Theoretical Physics III: Quantum Mechanics
- 260065 VO Theoretical Physics III: Quantum Mechanics
- 260085 VO Quantum Information
- 059911 LP Quantum Computing Applications
- 260002 LP Lab-Course: Theoretical Physics
- 260030 VU Theoretical and Experimental Foundations of the Bell Tests
- 260080 SE Bachelor's Seminar
- 260096 VU Quantum Information Theory -Quantum Computing & Machine Learning
- 059907 LP Quantum Algorithms Hands-on
- 260002 LP Lab-Course: Theoretical Physics
- 260019 PUE Theoretical Physics III: Quantum Mechanics
- 260032 KU Specialization
- 260065 VO Theoretical Physics III: Quantum Mechanics
- 260085 VO Quantum Information
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00