Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Dr. Oliver Rathkolb
- Mail: oliver.rathkolb@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-41212
Business Card: vCard
Office Hours: Mittwoch, 16 bis 17 Uhr Tel.: +43-1-42 77 - DW 41212
© Harald Eisenberger
Teaching (iCal)
- 070023 SE Seminar - The current Middle East conflict from the perspective of literature
- 070054 VO Theory meets Practice - Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung über die Relevanz der Teildisziplinen des MA Zeitgeschichte und Medien in der Medienpraxis
- 070064 VO Austrian History II
- 070065 VO Artificial Intelligence: Areas of tension, challenges and opportunities. - Further Historical Approaches, Lecture series in cooperation with the City of Vienna
- 970033 KU univie: summer school SHS - Contemporary European History - Milestones of European History 1945-2023
Last modified: Tu 08.10.2024 13:40