Universität Wien

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300239 VO Fundamentals of ecology (2024S)

300601 UE Diversity, systematics and ecology of algae, plants and fungi for ecologists (2024S)

Exercise in three parallel courses

300077 UE Systematics and ecology of macromycetes (2024S)

300262 VO Sustainable Development and political ecology (2024W)

300206 UE Genetic tools in ecology and conservation (2024W)

  • Strutzenberger, Moodle; Mo 17.02. 10:00-17:00 Übungsraum 1 (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg 1.OG

210050 PS BAK7: International Political Ecology, Climate Crisis and Conflicts (2024W)

  • Lenikus, Moodle; Mo 13.01. 15:00-16:30 Hörsaal 3 (H3), NIG 2. Stock

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