Universität Wien

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o. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Beata Verschraegen, M.E.M. LL.M.
030675 KU International Family Law (2024W)
with a Focus on human rights, international Treaties and EU law from an Austrian Perspective
Verschraegen; Mo 14.10. 15:00-17:00 Seminarraum SEM31 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, 3.OG
030675 KU International Family Law (2024S)
with a Focus on international Treaties and EU-Regulations from an Austrian Perspective
030675 KU International Family Law (2023W)
with a Focus on international Treaties and EU-Regulations from an Austrian Perspective
Verschraegen, Moodle
Staudigl-Ciechowicz, Moodle