Universität Wien

19.02. Teacher Training Programme

Orientierungstag für Lehramtsstudierende
(nicht nur) für erstsemestrige Lehramtsstudierende

* LehrerInnenbildung an der BiWi (Bildungswissenschaft): Forschung & Lehre
* Wie ist das Lehramtsstudium aufgebaut?
Welche Studienplanteile sind in der pädagisch-wissenschaftlichen Berufsvorbildung (PWB) und der schulpraktischen Ausbildung (SPA) zu absolvieren?
* Ansprechpartner?
* Kennenlernen der Studierenden und TutorInnen
* Internationale Austauschprogramme für LA-Studierende

Mittwoch, 03. Oktober 2007, 11.30 - 14.00 Uhr

Marietta Blau Saal,
Universität Wien Hauptgebäude, Stiege 10


A. New Curriculum

1. Pedagogic-Scientific Career Preparation

Introductory Phase

1.1. § Introductory Lecture (VO 1 SST) (2 CP)
1.2. § Introductory Seminar (PS 2 SST) (3 CP)

First Stage of the Degree Programme

1.3. § Educational Theory and Social Criticism (VO or UE 1 SST) (2 CP)

1.4. § School Theory (VO or UE 1 SST) (2 CP)

1.5. § Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development (VO or UE 1 SST) (2 CP)

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

2.1. § Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning (SE 2 SST) (3 CP)

2.2. § Theory and practical experience of educating and consulting (SE 2 SST) (3 CP)

2.3. § Theory and practical experience of school development (SE 2 SST) (5 CP)

2.4. § Elective Course (2 SST) (3 CP)

Practical School Training

3.1. Pedagogy practicum (2 SST) (5 CP)

3.2. Supervision of the Pedagogy Practicum (1 SST) (1 CP)

3.3. Subject Specific Practicum (3 SST) (5 CP)

3.4. Supervision of the Subject Specific Practicum(1 SST) (1 CP)


Project Studies: Model Curriculum "Professionalized Pedagogical Acting"

B. Old Curriculum

1. General Pedagogical Training

1.1. Theory of Teaching (2 SST) (2 CP)

1.2. Education theory (2 SST) (2 CP)

1.3. School Theory (2 SST) (2 CP)

1.4. Pedagogical Psychology (2 SST) (2 CP)

1.5. Developmental Psychology (2 SST) (2 CP)

2. Specialist Teaching Methodology (see individual departments)

3. Practical School Training (Old Curriculum)

3.1. Introductory Phase (Old Curriculum) (2 SST) (5 CP)

3.2. Practical Phase (Old Curriculum) (3 SST) (5CP)

C. Support Teacher Training

D. MA in Islamic Religious Pedagogy

Compulsory Modules

a) Islamic Sciences

Modul 1: Qur'ran, the Prophet's actions and way of thinking (SE oder VO 6 SST) (12 CP)
Modul 2: Religious doctrine and Islam in every day life (SE oder VO 6 SST) (12 CP)
Modul 3: Ethics and mysticism in Islam (VO/SE/KV 4 SST) (5 CP)
Modul 4: Islamic teaching methodology (SE 4 SST) (8 CP)

b) Human Sciences

Modul 5: Religious Science and Philosophical Studies (VO/SE 4 SST) (6 CP)
Modul 6: Sociology of Religion and Psychology of Religion (VO/SE 4 SST) (6 CP)
Modul 7: European cultural history and Intercultural Research (VO/SE/UE 4 SST) (10 CP)

c) Education in the Science of didactic Pedagogy

Modul 8: Pedagogic-Scientific Career Preparation Elective course: Islamic Religious pedagogy
Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)
Theory and practical experience of educating and consulting (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)
Theory and practical experience of school development (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)
Elective course: Islamic Religious pedagogy (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)
Modul 9: Subject Specific Practicum (UE 3 SST) (5 CP)

Choice of compulsory modules

Modul I: Communal pedagogy (SE/VO 8 SST) (14 CP)

Christian theologies
Community management and organisational development
Interreligious dialogue

Modul II: Social pedagogy (SE/VO/UE 8 SST) (14 CP)

Foundations and methods of Social pedagogy
Foundations and methods of Counselling
Communication and Rhetorics

Master Thesis with accompanying seminar (30 CP)

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34