Universität Wien

2.1. Core Courses Bachelor Programme (Sport Management, Health Sport, Competitive Sport)

Die Gliederung der Lehrveranstaltungen erfolgt in alphabetischer Reihenfolge der Lehrveranstaltungstitel.

2.1.1. Interdisciplinary Subject Group

2.1.2. Anatomy, Sport and Exercise Physiology

2.1.3. Biomechanics and Movement Science

2.1.4. Statistics, Computer Science and Methodology

2.1.5. Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport

2.1.6. Sport Psychology

2.1.7. Sport Sociology

2.1.8. Sport Medicine

2.1.9. Science of Training

2.1.10. History of Sport

2.1.11. Practical Courses Skills- and Performance-Oriented Acts of Movement Game-Oriented Acts of Movement Experience-Oriented Acts of Movement Creation- and Presentation-Oriented Acts of Movement Health- and Compensation-Oriented Acts of Movement

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35