2.1. Core Courses Bachelor Programme (Sport Management, Health Sport, Competitive Sport)
Die Gliederung der Lehrveranstaltungen erfolgt in alphabetischer Reihenfolge der Lehrveranstaltungstitel.
2.1.1. Interdisciplinary Subject Group
- 350239 PLV BA1II - PC Study Orientation
- 350240 PLV BA1II - PC Study Orientation
- 350241 PLV BA1II - PC Study Orientation
- 350245 GLV BA2II - BC Project Management
- 350293 GLV BA1I -BC Sport Science
- 350343 PLV BA1II - PC Study Orientation
2.1.2. Anatomy, Sport and Exercise Physiology
- 350257 PLV BB3III - PC Performance Physiology
- 350259 PLV BB3III - PC Performance Physiology
- 350294 GLV BB1I - BC Anatomy
- 350295 GLV BB1II - BC Physiology
- 350296 GLV BB1III - BC First Aid - Part I
- 350298 VLV BB2I - DC Performance Physiology
2.1.3. Biomechanics and Movement Science
- 350265 VLV BD2II-DC Applied Computer Science in Sport/ Biomech. Computer-Assisted Diagnostic and Analysis Meth.
- 350267 VLV BD2II - DC Applied Computer Science in Sport/ Biomechanics - PC Sport Technology / Wintersports
2.1.4. Statistics, Computer Science and Methodology
- 350148 GLV BA2I - BC Scientific Working
- 350243 GLV BA2I - BC Scientific Working
- 350244 GLV BA2I - BC Scientific Working
- 350248 PLV BA3II -PC Statistic Data Evaluation supported by Computers
- 350249 PLV BA3II -PC Statistic Data Evaluation supported by Computers
- 350250 VLV BA3III - DC Qualitative Research Methods
- 350251 VLV BA3III - DC Quantitative Research Methods
- 350252 VLV BA3III - DC Quantitative Research Methods
- 350253 VLV BA3III - DC Quantitative Research Methods
- 350254 VLV BA3III - DC Quantitative Research Methods
- 350325 GLV BA3I -BC Statistics
- 350333 PLV BA3II -PC Statistic Data Evaluation supported by Computers
2.1.5. Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport
- 350301 VLV BE3I - DC Pedagogy for Physical Activity and Sport
- 350504 GLV BP2I - BC Sport Didactics
2.1.6. Sport Psychology
- 350260 GLV BC1II - BC Sport Psychology
2.1.7. Sport Sociology
- 350300 GLV BC1I - BC Sport Sociology
2.1.8. Sport Medicine
- 350299 VLV BB3I - DC Health Care
2.1.9. Science of Training
- 350273 PLV BP1II - PC Endurance Training
- 350274 PLV BP1II - PC Endurance Training
- 350277 PLV BP1III - PC Strength Training
- 350278 PLV BP1III - PC Strength Training
- 350279 PLV BP1III - PC Strength Training
- 350280 PLV BP1III - PC Strength Training
- 350302 GLV BP1I - BC Science of Training
- 350356 PLV BP1II - PC Endurance Training
- 350357 PLV BP1II - PC Endurance Training
- 350365 PLV BP1IV - PC Coordination Training
- 350368 PLV BP1V - PC Speed Training
- 350369 PLV BP1V - PC Speed Training
- 350496 PLV BP1IV - PC Coordination Training
- 350497 PLV BP1IV - PC Coordination Training
- 350498 PLV BP1IV - PC Coordination Training
- 350500 PLV BP1V - PC Speed Training
- 350501 PLV BP1V - PC Speed Training
2.1.10. History of Sport
2.1.11. Practical Courses Skills- and Performance-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350376 PLV BP3II - PC Individual Sport - athletics
- 350520 PLV BP3II - PC Individual Sport - Gymnastics
- 350522 PLV BP3II - PC Individual Sport - Gymnastics
- 350523 PLV BP3II - PC Individual Sport - swimming
- 350524 PLV BP3II - PC Individual Sport - swimming Game-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350066 PLV BP3III - PC Game Sport - badminton
- 350345 PLV BP3III - PC Game Sport - volleyball
- 350527 PLV BP3III - PC Game Sport - Basketball
- 350528 PLV BP3III - PC Game Sport - volleyball
- 350529 PLV BP3III - PC Game Sport - volleyball Experience-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350514 PLV BP3II - PC Outdoor Sport - cross-country skiing
- 350516 PLV BP3II - PC Outdoor Sport - skiing
- 350517 PLV BP3II - PC Outdoor Sport - Snowboard
- 350518 PLV BP3II - PC Outdoor Sport - Snowboard Creation- and Presentation-Oriented Acts of Movement Health- and Compensation-Oriented Acts of Movement
- 350375 PLV BP3I - PC Health Sport -rhythmic gymnastics
- 350512 PLV BP3I - PC Health Sport -rhythmic gymnastics
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35