Universität Wien

Directorate of Studies 5 - Computer Science and Business Informatics

Informationen zu den einzelnen Studien finden sich im jeweiligen Kapitel.

Allgemeine Informationen siehe auch:
> Informationen für Studienanfänger*innen
> Informationen zur Lehrveranstaltungs- und Prüfungsanmeldung
> Studienangebot der SPL Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik

Bachelor Computer Science 2016 (521 [4])

Bachelor Computer Science 2016 (521 [4]) - Data Science

Bachelor Computer Science 2016 (521 [4]) - Media Informatics

Bachelor Computer Science 2016 (521 [4]) - Medical Informatics

Bachelor Computer Science 2016 (521 [4]) - Scientific Computing

Bachelor Business Informatics 2016 (526 [3])

Teacher Training Programme - Bachelor Computer Science (193 053 [1], 198 414 [1])

Master Bioinformatics (875 [1])

Master Computer Science (921 [1])

Master Computer Science (921 [1]) - Data Science

Master Computer Science (921 [1]) - Scientific Computing

Master Media Informatics 2016 (935 [2])

Master Business Informatics 2016 (926 [2])

Teacher Training Programme - Master Computer Science (196 053 [1], 199 514 [1])

Master Degree Programme Informatics Didactics (950 [1]) - discontinued

Teacher Training Programme - Computer Science and Computer Science Management 2000 (884 [1]), 2011 (884 [2]) - discontinued

Extension Curriculum (EC) Computational Thinking / Computer Science (050 [1])

Last modified: Sa 13.05.2023 01:30