Teacher Training Programme - Bachelor Computer Science (193 053 [1], 198 414 [1])
Orientation course
- 050000 OV ( OV ) Orientierungsveranstaltung
StEOP Introductory and Orientation Period (7 ECTS)
INF 01 StEOP-Modul UF Technical Foundations and Orientation (7 ECTS)
- 051011 VO Technical Foundations of Computer Science
- 051012 PUE Technical Foundations of Computer Science
- 051910 OL ( KPH Krems OV ) Orientation course
Subject didactics of computer science (15 ECTS)
UF INF 02 Theorie und Praxis der Informatikdidaktik (6 ECTS)
- 051931 VU ( KPH Krems ) Subject didactics of computer science
- 051932 VU ( PH-WIEN ) Organizational aspects of teaching and learning in computer science
UF INF 03 Didaktik-, Kommunikations- und Teamkompetenz in der Informatikbildung (9 ECTS)
- 051951 PR ( PH-WIEN ) Didactical design in computer science
- 051952 UE Communication and teamwork for computer scientists
- 051961 VU ( PH-NÖ ) Selected Topics in didactics of computer science
Fachwissenschaft Informatik (60 ECTS)
UF INF 04 Basic Techniques in Mathematics (6 ECTS)
- 051110 VO Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1
- 051111 PUE [ de en ] Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1
UF INF 05 Introduction to Programming (6 ECTS)
- 051010 VU Programming 1
UF INF 06 Basics of Modelling (6 ECTS)
- 051023 VU Modelling
UF INF 07 Rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Grundlagen (6 ECTS)
- 051019 VO IT and Law
- 051029 VU Computer Science and Society
UF INF 08 Theoretical Computer Science (6 ECTS)
- 051013 VO Theoretical Computer Science
- 051014 PUE Theoretical Computer Science
UF INF 09 Algorithms and Data Structures (6 ECTS)
- 051024 VU Algorithms and Data Structures 1
UF INF 10 Database Systems (6 ECTS)
- 051031 VU Database Systems
UF INF 11 Network Technologies (6 ECTS)
- 051034 VO Network Technologies
- 051035 UE Network Technologies
UF INF 12 Wahlpflichtbereich (12 ECTS)
- 051020 VU [ de en ] Programming 2
- 051030 VU Programming Languages and Concepts
- 051040 VU Software Engineering 1
- 051050 VU [ en ] Software Engineering 2
- 051130 VO Introductory Statistics
- 051131 UE Introductory Statistics
Wahlbereich (0-10 ECTS)
UF INF 13 Wahlbereich für Studierende des Lehramts (0-10 ECTS)
- 051986 VU ( PH-NÖ ) Client/Server Operating Systems - Practical Use
- 051988 VU ( PH-WIEN ) Teaching and Learning with Digital Media at School
- 050087 UE Communication
- 490233 SE ( KPH Krems ) Zur Förderung von lern- und leistungsschwachen Schülerinnen und Schülern
- 490234 PS ( KPH Krems ) Interkulturelles und Interreligiöses Lernen als Aufgabe aller Fächer
- 490236 SE ( KPH Krems ) Wahlbereich aller Teilcurricula
- 010036 SE Artificial Intelligence
- 010112 SE Digital mysteries religious education in times of augmented realities - Religiöse Bildung in Zeiten augmentierter Realität
- 180184 VO [ de en ] Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- 490300 VU PM1 Digital Transformations
Fachbezogenes Schulpraktikum (7 ECTS)
UF INF 14 Fachbezogenes Schulpraktikum Informatik (7 ECTS)
- 051968 PS ( KPH Krems PH-WIEN ) Observing Instruction and Preparing Educational Offerings
- 051969 UE ( KPH Krems PH-WIEN ) Supervision and Reflection
Bachelormodul (8 ECTS)
UF INF 15 Bachelormodul - Practical course with bachelor thesis in the school subject computer science (8 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2020 00:35
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