Studies Programme 13 - Studies Programme Finno-Ugrian Studies, Dutch Studies, Scandinavian Studies, Comparative Literature
13.01. Finno-Ugric Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Fennistics
Group of Modules I - Orientation Period
Module 1: Language Acquisition
- 130497 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language II
Module 2: Introduction to Philology
- 130478 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 130479 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature II
- 130481 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of Finnish I
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
Group of Modules II - Advanced Level
Module 3: Language Acquisition
- 130477 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language IV
Module 4: Linguistics
Module 5: Cultural Studies
- 130009 KO Formation of Nations with Examples from Hungarian and Central European Literatures
- 130028 VO Finish Literature: Selected Facets
- 130467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
Group of Modules III - In-Depth Studies
Module 6: Language Acquisition
- 130476 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language VI
Module 7: Baltic Sea Region Context & Estonian Studies
- 130500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
Alternative Required Module 8a: In-Depth Studies in Linguistics
- 130010 UE Project
- 130023 UE Practical Exercises in Linguistics II
Alternative Required Module 8b: In-Depth Studies in Literature
- 130010 UE Project
- 130029 UE Pratical Exercises in Literature Studies II
- 130031 VO [ de fi ] Modern Finnish Literature
B. Master Degree Programme in Finno-Ugric Studies
Module 1: Structural Course Finnish/Hungarian
- 130362 VO Structure of Finnish II
- 130465 VO Structure of Hungarian II
Module 2: Comparative Uralistics
- 130020 VO Comparative Uralic Morphology
Module 3: Small Finno-Ugric Languages
- 130012 UE Selkup
- 130359 UE Mari I
- 130498 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language IV
- 130500 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language II
Module 4: Thematic Seminar
- 122222 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA-Paper / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Critical Analysis of Language and Sexuality
Module 5: Supplementary Studies
- 122251 AR [ en ] Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL - Discoursal Articulation and Management of the Self from the Perspective of the Gender/Sexuality Intersection (MA and PhD)
- 124266 AR [ en ] Cultural/Media Studies 1/2 (AR) - Feminist Rethinking of the Concept of Discourse. Beyond the text - context divide
- 130012 UE Selkup
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 130062 UE Reading Mari II
- 130063 UE Reading Northern- and Southern Mansi Texts
- 130071 VO [ en ] Structure and Development of the Saami Languages
- 130072 VO [ en ] Minor Finnic languages of Ingria (language, sociolinguistics, fieldwork methods)
- 130359 UE Mari I
- 130498 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language IV
Module 6: In-Depth Studies
- 122251 AR [ en ] Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL - Discoursal Articulation and Management of the Self from the Perspective of the Gender/Sexuality Intersection (MA and PhD)
- 124266 AR [ en ] Cultural/Media Studies 1/2 (AR) - Feminist Rethinking of the Concept of Discourse. Beyond the text - context divide
- 130012 UE Selkup
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 130062 UE Reading Mari II
- 130063 UE Reading Northern- and Southern Mansi Texts
- 130071 VO [ en ] Structure and Development of the Saami Languages
- 130072 VO [ en ] Minor Finnic languages of Ingria (language, sociolinguistics, fieldwork methods)
- 130359 UE Mari I
Module 7: Master Seminar
- 130466 SE Graduate Seminar
C. Bachelor Degree Programme in Hungarian Studies
Group of Modules I - Orientation Period
Required Module 1: Language Acquisition
- 130489 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language II
Required Module 2: Introduction to Philology
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Group of Modules II - Advanced Level
Required Module 3: Language Acquisition
- 130490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
Alternative Required Module 4a: Introduction to Hungarian Linguistics
- 130009 KO Formation of Nations with Examples from Hungarian and Central European Literatures
- 130461 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics I
- 130467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
Alternative Required Module 4b: Introduction to Hungarian Literature Studies
- 130009 KO Formation of Nations with Examples from Hungarian and Central European Literatures
- 130024 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies I
- 130457 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 130467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
Group of Modules III - In-Depth Studies
Required Module 5: Language Acquisition
- 130491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
Alternative Required Module 6a: In-Depth Studies in Linguistics
- 130010 UE Project
- 130025 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics II
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
Alternative Required Module 6b: In-Depth Studies in Literature
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
- 130010 UE Project
- 130457 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 130458 UE [ de hu ] Pratical Exercises in Literature Studies II
D. Master Degree Programme in Hungarian Studies
Module 1: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns of Literary and Cultural Studies
- 124266 AR [ en ] Cultural/Media Studies 1/2 (AR) - Feminist Rethinking of the Concept of Discourse. Beyond the text - context divide
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
- 130011 SE [ de hu ] IP ELIM - European Literature in Manuscripts I
- 130017 SE [ de hu ] IP ELIM - European Literature in Manuscripts II
- 130357 UE Cultural Theory
- 130361 SE Writing as Medium of Literature - Systemtheorie und Dekonstruktion (Niklas Luhrmann und Jacques Derrida) zu Fragen der Bedeutung von Schrift
Module 2: Interdisciplinarity: Hungarian Studies in the Context of Neighbouring Disciplines - Comparative Literature, History, Art History, Theatre and Film
- 124266 AR [ en ] Cultural/Media Studies 1/2 (AR) - Feminist Rethinking of the Concept of Discourse. Beyond the text - context divide
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
- 130011 SE [ de hu ] IP ELIM - European Literature in Manuscripts I
- 130017 SE [ de hu ] IP ELIM - European Literature in Manuscripts II
- 130357 UE Cultural Theory
- 130361 SE Writing as Medium of Literature - Systemtheorie und Dekonstruktion (Niklas Luhrmann und Jacques Derrida) zu Fragen der Bedeutung von Schrift
Module 3: Hungarian Literary and Cultural Studies as Mass Media and Communication Science
- 124266 AR [ en ] Cultural/Media Studies 1/2 (AR) - Feminist Rethinking of the Concept of Discourse. Beyond the text - context divide
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
- 130011 SE [ de hu ] IP ELIM - European Literature in Manuscripts I
- 130017 SE [ de hu ] IP ELIM - European Literature in Manuscripts II
- 130357 UE Cultural Theory
- 130361 SE Writing as Medium of Literature - Systemtheorie und Dekonstruktion (Niklas Luhrmann und Jacques Derrida) zu Fragen der Bedeutung von Schrift
Module 4: Master Module
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
- 130195 SE Graduate Seminar
- 130459 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130470 SE [ hu ] Graduate Seminar
E. Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): First Stage
- 130024 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies I
- 130025 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics II
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130458 UE [ de hu ] Pratical Exercises in Literature Studies II
- 130461 UE Practical Exercises in Hungarian Linguistics I
- 130462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
- 130490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
- 130492 UE [ hu ] Media Didactics
- 130493 UE Introduction to the Methods of Scholarly Work
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): Subject Didactics
- 130492 UE [ hu ] Media Didactics
- 130505 PS [ de hu ] Teaching Literature
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): Second Stage
- 122220 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Understanding English as a Lingua Franca
- 122221 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Issues in English language education (BA06.2, M05)
- 122222 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA-Paper / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Critical Analysis of Language and Sexuality
- 130009 KO Formation of Nations with Examples from Hungarian and Central European Literatures
- 130026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 130361 SE Writing as Medium of Literature - Systemtheorie und Dekonstruktion (Niklas Luhrmann und Jacques Derrida) zu Fragen der Bedeutung von Schrift
- 130457 VO Contemporary Hungarian Literature
- 130459 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130466 SE Graduate Seminar
- 130470 SE [ hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 130491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
- 130505 PS [ de hu ] Teaching Literature
F. Complementary Study Programme/Minor Finno-Ugric Studies
CSP Finnish Culture and Language
- 130362 VO Structure of Finnish II
- 130467 VO Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 130478 VO [ de fi ] Finland: History and Culture II
- 130479 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature II
CSP Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130465 VO Structure of Hungarian II
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
13.02. Dutch Studies
A [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Dutch Studies (Version 2011)
Group of Modules I: Orientation Period
M I: Language Acquisition I
- 130075 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
- 130085 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
M II: Culture and History
Group of Modules II: Basics
M III: Language Acquisition II
- 130073 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
M IV: Introductions
- 130080 KU-VL [ nl ] Course Dutch Syntax
- 130364 VO-VL Introduction to Dutch Literature Studies
Group of Modules III: Advanced Level
M V: Language Acquisition III-IV
- 130058 UE-VL [ nl ] Course Language Learning IV
M VI: Advanced Level LW/SW
- 130196 KU-VL [ nl ] Course Literary Studies Advanced II: Analysis of literary texts
Group of Modules IV: In-Depth Studies
M VII: In-Depth Studies GK/LW/SW
- 130054 SE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies: Dutch Paintings in Words
- 130097 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
- 130316 SE-VL [ nl ] Language and society
M VIII: Practice-Oriented Specialisation
- 130077 KU Translation II
- 130081 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch II
- 130366 KU-VL [ af de ] Afrikaans Language and Culture 2
M IX: Bachelor's Paper II+KO
- 130087 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Conversatorium
M X: Project or Practical Training
A [1]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Dutch Studies (Version 2008)
1. Group of Modules I: Orientation Period
Module I: Language Acquisition
- 130073 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 130075 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
- 130085 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
Module II: Introductions
- 130080 KU-VL [ nl ] Course Dutch Syntax
- 130091 VO-VL Course Introduction to the Culture and History of the Dutch Language Area
- 130364 VO-VL Introduction to Dutch Literature Studies
2. Group of Modules II: Advanced Level
Module III: Language Acquisition
- 130058 UE-VL [ nl ] Course Language Learning IV
Module IV: Advanced Literary Studies/Linguistics
- 130196 KU-VL [ nl ] Course Literary Studies Advanced II: Analysis of literary texts
3. Group of Modules III: In-Depth Studies
Module VI: In-Depth Studies in History and Culture/Literature/Linguistics
- 130054 SE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies: Dutch Paintings in Words
- 130097 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
- 130316 SE-VL [ nl ] Language and society
Module VII: Practice-Oriented Specialisation
- 130077 KU Translation II
- 130081 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch II
- 130366 KU-VL [ af de ] Afrikaans Language and Culture 2
B. Master Degree Programme in Dutch Studies
1. Group of Required Modules I: Basics and Introductions
Module I: Basics
Module II: Introductory Seminars
- 130097 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
- 130316 SE-VL [ nl ] Language and society
2. Group of Required Modules II: In-Depth Studies
Module III: Literary Studies
- 130097 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
Module IV: Linguistics
- 130316 SE-VL [ nl ] Language and society
3. Group of Required Modules III: Final Stage
Module VII: Graduate College
- 130087 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Conversatorium
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Dutch Studies
1. Orientation Period
2. First Stage of the Degree Programme
3. Second Stage of the Degree Programme
4. Conversatoriums for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates
5. Electives
D. Complementary Study Programme - Introduction to Dutch Language and Culture
Module I: Introduction to Culture and History of the Dutch Language Area
Module II: Language Acquisition I
- 130075 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
- 130085 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
E [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme (DCC) "Dutch Language, Literature and Culture in a Central European Context"
Orientation Period
M1: Language Acquisition I (njbla)
- 130075 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
- 130085 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
M2: Introduction Culture and History (njb2a)
M3: Intercultural Introduction (njb7a)
- 130068 KU-VL Culture, Literature and Context: Introduction Interculturality (VL) (njb7a) - (DCC)
Basis Curriculum
M4: Language Acquisition II (njb1b)
- 130073 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
M5: Introduction to Literary Studies (njb2b/njb2b-v) and Syntax (njb2c)
- 130080 KU-VL [ nl ] Course Dutch Syntax
- 130364 VO-VL Introduction to Dutch Literature Studies
M6: Language Acquisition III (njb3a) and IV (njb3b)
- 130058 UE-VL [ nl ] Course Language Learning IV
M7: Literary Studies Advanced Level (I or II) (njb6a)
- 130196 KU-VL [ nl ] Course Literary Studies Advanced II: Analysis of literary texts
M9: Linguistics Advanced Studies (njb4a)
M10, M13: Linguistics I and II (njb5b)
- 130188 KU-VL [ nl ] Morphology (njb5b) - (DCC)
M12: Practice-Oriented Specialisation I (njb4b) and II (njb4c)
- 130077 KU Translation II
- 130081 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch II
M14: Linguistics In-Depth Studies (njb5a)
- 130316 SE-VL [ nl ] Language and society
M15: Culture (njb6b) and Literature (njb6c) In-Depth Studies
- 130054 SE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies: Dutch Paintings in Words
- 130097 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
Joint Curriculum
M8, 11, 16, 17, 18: Language and Culture in Context Joint I.1-I.5 (njb7b)
- 130076 KU-VL [ nl ] Interbellum - (DCC)
- 130086 KU-VL [ nl ] Writing skills in Dutch - (DCC)
- 130098 KU-VL [ nl ] Reception of literature from the Low Countries in Central Europe - (DCC)
- 130233 KU-VL [ nl ] Flemish Studies - (DCC)
M19: Central European Cultural Context - European Union and Political Science Joint II.1 (njb8a)
M20: Central European Cultural Context - Economy Joint II.2 (njb8b)
M21: Central European Cultural Context - History Joint II.3 (njb8c)
M22: 2nd Foreign Language (Joint III) - Lectures of choice (njb9)
BA-Final Module
M23: Professional Training Project (njb10a)
M24: M IX: Bachelor's Paper (njb10b) and Conversatorium (njb10c)
- 130087 GRAD/KO [ nl ] Master Thesis Seminar/Conversatorium
E [1]. Bachelor Degree Programme (DCC) "Dutch Language, Literature and Culture in a Central European Context"
I. Basis Curriculum
1. Language Acquisition - Basic Level
Module 1: Language Acquisition I-II (njb1a,njb1b)
- 130073 UE [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition II
- 130075 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
- 130085 UE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Language Acquisition I
2. Introduction
Module 2: Introductions - Culture and History, Literary Studies, Linguistics (njb2a, njb2b, njb2c)
- 130080 KU-VL [ nl ] Course Dutch Syntax
- 130091 VO-VL Course Introduction to the Culture and History of the Dutch Language Area
- 130364 VO-VL Introduction to Dutch Literature Studies
3. Language Acquisition - Advanced Level
Module 4: Language Acquisition III-IV (njb3a, njb3b)
- 130058 UE-VL [ nl ] Course Language Learning IV
4. Language Acquisition - In-Depth Studies
Module 10: Practice-Oriented Specialisation (njb4b, njb4c)
- 130077 KU Translation II
- 130081 KU-VL [ nl ] Business Dutch II
Module 7: Linguistics - Advanced Level (njb4a)
5. Linguistics
Module 8, 11: Linguistics I and II (njb5b)
- 130188 KU-VL [ nl ] Morphology (njb5b) - (DCC)
Module 12: Linguistics - In-Depth Studies (njb5a)
- 130316 SE-VL [ nl ] Language and society
6. Culture and Literature
Module 13: Culture and Literature - In-Depth Studies (njb6b, njb6c)
- 130054 SE-VL [ nl ] Dutch Area Studies: Dutch Paintings in Words
- 130097 SE-VL [ nl ] Literary Seminar
Module 5: Literary Studies - Advanced Level (njb6a)
- 130196 KU-VL [ nl ] Course Literary Studies Advanced II: Analysis of literary texts
II. Joint Curriculum
7. Language and Culture in Context (Joint I)
Module 3: Introduction to Interculturality (njb7a)
- 130068 KU-VL Culture, Literature and Context: Introduction Interculturality (VL) (njb7a) - (DCC)
Module 6, 9, 14, 15, 16: Language and Culture in Context (njb7b)
- 130076 KU-VL [ nl ] Interbellum - (DCC)
- 130086 KU-VL [ nl ] Writing skills in Dutch - (DCC)
- 130098 KU-VL [ nl ] Reception of literature from the Low Countries in Central Europe - (DCC)
- 130233 KU-VL [ nl ] Flemish Studies - (DCC)
8. Central European Context (Joint II)
Module 17, 18, 19: European Union and Political Science, Economy, History (njb8a, njb8b, njb8c)
9. Multilingual Skills (Joint III)
Module 20: 2nd Foreign Language (njb9)
III. BA-Final Module
10. Final Stage
Module 21: Professional Training Project (njb10a)
Module 22: Bachelor's Paper (njb10b)
13.03. Scandinavian Studies
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Scandinavian Studies
1. STEP - Orientation Period
Modul SKB110: Requirements of Scandinavian Studies
- 130013 UE Introduction to Scientific Working (SKB111)
- 130039 XV Regional, Cultural and Social Studies of Scandinavia
Module SKB120: Introduction to Scandinavian Studies - Basic Level
- 130014 EV Introduction to Scandinavistic Cultural Studies (SKB123)
- 130290 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics 1 (SKB121)
- 130401 EV Introduction to Scandinavistic Literary Studies 1 (SKB122)
2. Required Modules
Module SKB210: Introduction to Scandinavian Studies - Advanced Level
- 130048 PS Introduction to Old Norse studies
- 130287 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Literature 2
- 130288 EV Introduction to Scandinavien Linguistics 2
Module SKB220: Scandinavian Linguistics
- 130360 VO Nynorsk - a Typical Minority Language?
Module SKB230: Scandinavian Literature
- 130002 VO 'Popular fiction' in Old Scandinavia - fornaldarsögur and riddarasögur
- 130005 PS Old Norse Saga Texts
- 130168 PS Hanse Literature
- 130214 VO The Folk Tale 2
Module SKB240: Scandinavian Cultural Studies
- 130004 VO "Hey, hey, Wickie" - Viking culture
- 130006 PS Werewolves in Scandinavia and the Baltics
- 130044 PS Swedes in Austria - vom "grausamen Schwed" des 30jährigen Krieges bis zum Vorbild des Wohlfahrtsstaates im 20. Jh.
3. Alternative Groups of Required Modules
APMG: Scandinavian Language - Danish
Module SKB250D: Danish - Basic Level
- 130116 UE Danish 1 (SKB251D)
- 130118 UE [ da de ] Danish 2
Module SKB260D: Danish - Advanced Level
- 130117 UE [ da ] Danish 4
Module SKB270D: Danish - Final Level
APMG: Scandinavian Language - Icelandic
Module SKB250I: Icelandic - Basic Level
- 130289 UE Icelandic 1 (SKB251I)
- 130291 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 2
Module SKB260I: Icelandic - Advanced Level
- 130286 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 4
Module SKB270I: Icelandic - Final Level
APMG: Scandinavian Language - Norwegian
Module SKB250N: Norwegian - Basic Level
- 130120 UE Norwegian 1 (SKB251N)
- 130122 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 2
Module SKB260N: Norwegian - Advanced Level
- 130121 UE [ no ] Norwegian 4
Module SKB270N: Norwegian - Final Level
APMG: Scandinavian Language - Swedish
Module SKB250S: Swedish - Basic Level
- 130145 UE Swedish 1 (SKB251S)
- 130402 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 2
Module SKB260S: Swedish - Advanced Level
- 130285 UE [ sv ] Swedish 4
Module SKB270S: Swedish - Final Level
4. Group of Elective Modules
Module SKB310: In-Depth Studies in Scandinavian Linguistics
- 130360 VO Nynorsk - a Typical Minority Language?
Module SKB320: In-Depth Studies in Scandinavian Literature
- 130002 VO 'Popular fiction' in Old Scandinavia - fornaldarsögur and riddarasögur
- 130214 VO The Folk Tale 2
Module SKB330: In-Depth Studies in Scandinavian Cultural Studies
- 130004 VO "Hey, hey, Wickie" - Viking culture
Module SKB340: In-Depth Studies in Old Norse
- 130002 VO 'Popular fiction' in Old Scandinavia - fornaldarsögur and riddarasögur
- 130004 VO "Hey, hey, Wickie" - Viking culture
Module SKB350D: Additional Scandinavian Language - Danish
- 130116 UE Danish 1 (SKB251D)
- 130118 UE [ da de ] Danish 2
Module SKB350I: Additional Scandinavian Language - Icelandic
- 130289 UE Icelandic 1 (SKB251I)
- 130291 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 2
Module SKB350N: Additional Scandinavian Language - Norwegian
- 130120 UE Norwegian 1 (SKB251N)
- 130122 UE [ de no ] Norwegian 2
Module SKB350S: Additional Scandinavian Language - Swedish
- 130145 UE Swedish 1 (SKB251S)
- 130402 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 2
Module SKB360: Non-Scandinavian Language of the North
- 130015 UE Lithuanian 2
Module SKB370: Introduction to two Non-Scandinavian Languages of the North
Module SKB380D: Scandinavian Second Language - Danish
- 130117 UE [ da ] Danish 4
Module SKB380I: Scandinavian Second Language - Icelandic
- 130286 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 4
Module SKB380N: Scandinavian Second Language - Norwegian
- 130121 UE [ no ] Norwegian 4
Module SKB380S: Scandinavian Second Language - Swedish
- 130285 UE [ sv ] Swedish 4
Module SKB390: Baltic Sea Region Studies
- 130006 PS Werewolves in Scandinavia and the Baltics
- 130015 UE Lithuanian 2
- 130168 PS Hanse Literature
5. Bachelor Module
Module SKBB: Courses incl. Bachelor's Papers
- 130007 SE Mythology in Snorri Sturluson
- 130215 SE ... hon fylgi sínum forlogum - Gesellschaft und Geschlechterrollen im mittelalterlichen Skandinavien
- 130332 SE Histoy of the Scandinavian Languages
B. Master Degree Programme in Scandinavian Studies
1. Required Module
Module SKM110: Scandinavian Linguistics
- 130360 VO Nynorsk - a Typical Minority Language?
Module SKM120: Scandinavian Literature
- 130002 VO 'Popular fiction' in Old Scandinavia - fornaldarsögur and riddarasögur
- 130003 SE Þat sem yðr líkar bezt at hafa
- 130047 SE The Literature of the Scandinavian Interwar Period
- 130214 VO The Folk Tale 2
Module SKM130: Scandinavian Cultural Studies
- 130004 VO "Hey, hey, Wickie" - Viking culture
2. Alternative Required Modules
Module SKM210: Specialisation in Scandinavian Linguistics
- 130360 VO Nynorsk - a Typical Minority Language?
- 130398 KO Colloquium in Linguistics
Module SKM220: Specialisation in Scandinavian Literature
- 130002 VO 'Popular fiction' in Old Scandinavia - fornaldarsögur and riddarasögur
- 130003 SE Þat sem yðr líkar bezt at hafa
- 130047 SE The Literature of the Scandinavian Interwar Period
- 130214 VO The Folk Tale 2
- 130216 KO Colloquium in Literature and Cultural Studies
Module SKM230: Specialisation in Scandinavian Cultural Studies
- 130004 VO "Hey, hey, Wickie" - Viking culture
- 130216 KO Colloquium in Literature and Cultural Studies
Module SKM240: Specialisation in Old Norse Studies
- 130002 VO 'Popular fiction' in Old Scandinavia - fornaldarsögur and riddarasögur
- 130003 SE Þat sem yðr líkar bezt at hafa
- 130004 VO "Hey, hey, Wickie" - Viking culture
- 130218 KO Workshop discussions on Old Norse and Old German(ic) matters
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Scandinavian Studies
Orientation Period Degree Programme
First Stage of the Degree Programme
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
Seminars for Doctoral and Diploma Candidates
D. Complementary Study Programmes (Minor) in Scandinavian Studies
CSP Scandinavian Studies: Baltic Sea Region Studies
- 130015 UE Lithuanian 2
- 130116 UE Danish 1 (SKB251D)
- 130118 UE [ da de ] Danish 2
- 130145 UE Swedish 1 (SKB251S)
- 130402 UE [ de sv ] Swedish 2
CSP Scandinavian Studies
- 130002 VO 'Popular fiction' in Old Scandinavia - fornaldarsögur and riddarasögur
- 130004 VO "Hey, hey, Wickie" - Viking culture
- 130014 EV Introduction to Scandinavistic Cultural Studies (SKB123)
- 130039 XV Regional, Cultural and Social Studies of Scandinavia
- 130214 VO The Folk Tale 2
- 130287 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Literature 2
- 130288 EV Introduction to Scandinavien Linguistics 2
- 130289 UE Icelandic 1 (SKB251I)
- 130290 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics 1 (SKB121)
- 130360 VO Nynorsk - a Typical Minority Language?
- 130401 EV Introduction to Scandinavistic Literary Studies 1 (SKB122)
13.04. Comparative Literature
A [2]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Comparative Literature
Orientation Period
Module Ia: Introduction to the subject
- 130022 VO STEOP: Comparative Literature
- 130032 VO STEOP: Introducion to General Literature
Modul Ib: Scientific literature techniques
- 130042 UE STEOP: Literary Research I
Study Stage
Module II: Other basic scienific literary skills
- 130033 UE Academic Writing and advanced Research on cultural Databases and E-media
- 130034 UE Academic Writing and advanced Research on cultural Database and E-media
- 130035 UE Academic Writing and advanded Research on cultural Databases and E-media
Module 3: Literary Theory
- 130019 VO Literary Theory (VO): an overview
- 130036 PS Literary Theory (PS) Philosophy and literary theory - an overview HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTEN
- 130043 PS LIterary theorie (PS): Literature and Gender
Module 4: Literary Transfer
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
- 130018 PS Social History of Literature (PS): The figure of the translator in the literature
- 130040 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO): Reflections of world literature
- 130045 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS): The novel. Story, Theory and practice of a genus
- 130046 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS): Homer and the Homer-reception
- 130049 PS [ en ] Lit.Cross-Currents (PS): Post-Soviet Russian Literature
- 130050 VO Literary Cross Currents (VO) : Italy in German Romanticism
- 130100 VO Literary Cross-Currents (SE) - Revisionen Celans in Literatur und Kritik, Kunst und Musik sowie im öffentlichen Raum
Module 5: Social History of Literature
- 130065 PS Social History of Literature (PS): Networks of Vienna Modernism
- 130066 PS [ en ] Social History of Literature (PS): Postcolonial Con-Texts - Writing Back to the Canon
- 130067 PS Social History of Literature (PS):
- 130074 PS Social History of literature (PS): Viennavigator
- 130090 VO Social history of literature (VO): The broken bridge - Ways of life and work of authors
Module 6: English for Students of Literature
- 120013 VO [ en ] Approaching Literatures in English
- 120014 VO [ en ] Approaching Cultural Studies
- 122210 VO [ en ] Communication, Code and Culture
- 123010 VO [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123011 TR [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature - Tutorial
- 123031 TR [ en ] Literature Survey 2 - Tutorial
- 124000 VO [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to Anglophone Cultures and Societies - The British Isles: Screening the Home Nations
- 124002 TR [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to Anglophone Cultures and Societies - Tutorial
- 124011 TR [ en ] Introduction to Cultural Theories - Tutorial
- 125260 VO [ en ] Cultural Studies - MA M01 - Irish Studies (Ringvorlesung)
Module 7: Second Foreign Language
- 110128 UE [ pt ] Portuguese 1
- 110129 UE [ pt ] Portuguese 2
- 130041 UE Second Foreign Language: Italian for Literature Students
- 130051 UE French for Students of Literature
- 130052 UE Second Foreign Language: French for Literature Students
- 130053 UE [ es ] Second Foreign Language: Spanish for Students of Literature
- 130079 UE [ en ] More modern foreign language: Russian
Module 8: Comparative Literary History
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110150 VO [ it ] Literary Lecture Italian - -
- 110275 VO [ de fr ] Extension module literary lecture - French - -
- 110325 VO [ de it ] STEOP: Basic Module Literature Lecture - Italian - -
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
Module 9: Knowledge of World Literature
Module 10: Applied Literature Studies
- 130060 VO Literature and Media
- 130069 VO Publishing and Economy Studies, Introduction to Publishing Law
- 130078 UE The art of writing and storytelling
Final Stage
Module 11: Bachelor's Theses
- 130038 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 130061 SE Bachelor thesis: literary criticism
- 130083 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 130089 SE Modernity, apparent modernity and anti-modernity in the work of Hofmannsthal
A [1]. Bachelor Degree Programme in Comparative Literature
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
1. Required Modules
Module 1: Introduction to Comparative Literature
- 130022 VO STEOP: Comparative Literature
- 130032 VO STEOP: Introducion to General Literature
Module 2: Introduction to Research Techniques
- 130033 UE Academic Writing and advanced Research on cultural Databases and E-media
- 130034 UE Academic Writing and advanced Research on cultural Database and E-media
- 130035 UE Academic Writing and advanded Research on cultural Databases and E-media
- 130042 UE STEOP: Literary Research I
Module 3: Literary Theory
- 130019 VO Literary Theory (VO): an overview
- 130036 PS Literary Theory (PS) Philosophy and literary theory - an overview HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTEN
- 130043 PS LIterary theorie (PS): Literature and Gender
Module 4: Literary Transfer
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
- 130018 PS Social History of Literature (PS): The figure of the translator in the literature
- 130040 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO): Reflections of world literature
- 130045 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS): The novel. Story, Theory and practice of a genus
- 130046 PS Literary Cross-Currents (PS): Homer and the Homer-reception
- 130049 PS [ en ] Lit.Cross-Currents (PS): Post-Soviet Russian Literature
- 130050 VO Literary Cross Currents (VO) : Italy in German Romanticism
- 130100 VO Literary Cross-Currents (SE) - Revisionen Celans in Literatur und Kritik, Kunst und Musik sowie im öffentlichen Raum
Module 5: Social History of Literature
- 130065 PS Social History of Literature (PS): Networks of Vienna Modernism
- 130066 PS [ en ] Social History of Literature (PS): Postcolonial Con-Texts - Writing Back to the Canon
- 130067 PS Social History of Literature (PS):
- 130074 PS Social History of literature (PS): Viennavigator
- 130090 VO Social history of literature (VO): The broken bridge - Ways of life and work of authors
Module 6: English for Students of Literature
- 120013 VO [ en ] Approaching Literatures in English
- 120014 VO [ en ] Approaching Cultural Studies
- 122210 VO [ en ] Communication, Code and Culture
- 123010 VO [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123011 TR [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature - Tutorial
- 123031 TR [ en ] Literature Survey 2 - Tutorial
- 124000 VO [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to Anglophone Cultures and Societies - The British Isles: Screening the Home Nations
- 124002 TR [ en ] STEOP: Introduction to Anglophone Cultures and Societies - Tutorial
- 124011 TR [ en ] Introduction to Cultural Theories - Tutorial
- 125260 VO [ en ] Cultural Studies - MA M01 - Irish Studies (Ringvorlesung)
Module 7: Second Foreign Language
- 110128 UE [ pt ] Portuguese 1
- 110129 UE [ pt ] Portuguese 2
- 130041 UE Second Foreign Language: Italian for Literature Students
- 130051 UE French for Students of Literature
- 130052 UE Second Foreign Language: French for Literature Students
- 130053 UE [ es ] Second Foreign Language: Spanish for Students of Literature
- 130079 UE [ en ] More modern foreign language: Russian
Module 11: Bachelor's Theses
- 130038 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 130061 SE Bachelor thesis: literary criticism
- 130083 SE Bachelor Thesis
- 130089 SE Modernity, apparent modernity and anti-modernity in the work of Hofmannsthal
2. Group of Elective Modules
Module 8: Comparative Literary History
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110150 VO [ it ] Literary Lecture Italian - -
- 110275 VO [ de fr ] Extension module literary lecture - French - -
- 110325 VO [ de it ] STEOP: Basic Module Literature Lecture - Italian - -
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
Module 9: Knowledge of World Literature
Module 10: Applied Literature Studies
- 130060 VO Literature and Media
- 130069 VO Publishing and Economy Studies, Introduction to Publishing Law
- 130078 UE The art of writing and storytelling
B. Master Degree Programme in Comparative Literature
Module 1: Literary Cross-Currents
- 130055 SE Reading literature and reading in literature
- 130092 KO Rosmarie Waldrop
- 130093 SE novel theories: Lukács, Benjamin, Goldmann, Bachtin - Theorie mit angewandten Beispielen
Module 2: Social History of Literature/Literature and Media
- 130056 SE Bachelor Thesis: From modernismo to esperpento: Ramón Maria del Valle-Inclán
- 130070 SE Master Seminar: The coincidence in literature and music of the 20th century
- 130084 KO Social History of Literature/ Literature and Media (KO)
- 130096 SE Master Seminar: Josef Winkler intertextual, intermedial, intercultural - The complete works in the context of European and non-European cultural history
Module 3: In-Depth Studies Module
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110150 VO [ it ] Literary Lecture Italian - -
- 110275 VO [ de fr ] Extension module literary lecture - French - -
- 110325 VO [ de it ] STEOP: Basic Module Literature Lecture - Italian - -
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
- 130060 VO Literature and Media
Module 4: Final Module
- 130057 MA Master Seminar
- 130059 MA Social History of Literature/ Literature and Media (SE)
- 130094 MA Literary Cross-Currents (SE)
- 130095 KO Literature at the Museum - Old and new convergences in the Cultural Education
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Comparative Literature
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 110150 VO [ it ] Literary Lecture Italian - -
- 110275 VO [ de fr ] Extension module literary lecture - French - -
- 110325 VO [ de it ] STEOP: Basic Module Literature Lecture - Italian - -
- 130018 PS Social History of Literature (PS): The figure of the translator in the literature
- 130022 VO STEOP: Comparative Literature
- 130032 VO STEOP: Introducion to General Literature
- 130034 UE Academic Writing and advanced Research on cultural Database and E-media
- 130035 UE Academic Writing and advanded Research on cultural Databases and E-media
- 130042 UE STEOP: Literary Research I
- 130060 VO Literature and Media
D. Complementary Study Programme International literary Transfer
- 130001 VO [ de en ] The Four Phases of the European Avantgarde
- 130040 VO Literary Cross-Currents (VO): Reflections of world literature
- 130050 VO Literary Cross Currents (VO) : Italy in German Romanticism
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37