Studies Programme 27 - Chemistry
- 270023 VO Biosynthesis of Natural Products
27.01. Chemistry (Bachelor, Master)
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Chemistry
- 270033 VO+UE Molecular Spectroscopy
- 270052 VO Analytical Chemistry I
- 270061 VO Inorganic Chemistry I
- 270179 UE [ de en ] Exercise Course for Physical Chemistry I - (Introduction)
- 270186 VO Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds
- 270302 VO Biology for chemists
Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (StEOP) - Version 2011
- 270017 PR STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Introductory Lab Course
- 270026 PS STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Proseminar
- 270029 PR STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Preparative Lab Course - StEOP nur für Bachelor, nicht für Lehramt !
- 270006 SE+PR Elective Laboratory Course for Bachelor Module - Organic/Bioanorganic/Biological/Biophysical Chemistry
- 270020 SE+PR Bachelor Laboratory Course D - Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Biological Chemistry
- 270024 SE Bachelor seminar
- 270033 VO+UE Molecular Spectroscopy
- 270042 UE Laboratory Course in Biological Chemistry
- 270048 VO Calculation Methods in Physical Chemistry
- 270052 VO Analytical Chemistry I
- 270058 VO Inorganic Chemistry II
- 270061 VO Inorganic Chemistry I
- 270062 UE Basic Laboratory Course II B
- 270077 PR Basic Laboratory Course II A
- 270101 UE Practice in Analytical Chemistry
- 270103 SE+PR Bachelor Laboratory Course B - Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry
- 270105 SE+PR Bachelor Laboratory Course C - Physical Chemistry and Materials Chemistry
- 270126 UE Inorganic chemistry lab course
- 270132 PR Advanced Laboratory Course in Organic Chemistry - and Proseminar
- 270140 PR Laboratory practice in physical chemistry - Laboratory practice in physical chemistry
- 270146 UE Laboratory Course in Theoretical Chemistry
- 270148 VO Physical Chemistry III - Physical Chemistry of condensed materials (macromolecular chemistry and structural chemistry)
- 270175 UE Lab Course: Basic Techniques in Biochemistry - for Chemistry Students
- 270186 VO Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds
- 270219 VO [ de en ] Physical Chemistry I - (Introduction)
- 270238 VO Biological Chemistry II
- 270302 VO Biology for chemists
- 270312 VO Toxicology
B. Master Curricula
I. Master Chemistry
1. Groups of Elective Modules
1.1. Inorganic Chemistry
- 270009 VO+SE Selected chapters of ecotoxicology
- 270019 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course D - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course IIID - Coordination chemistry
- 270032 VO Medical Radiochemistry II - Tracer for NeuroImaging
- 270076 SE Seminar Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course A - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270121 UE Solid State Chemistry - Properties and Structure of Materials (Modul AC-5)
- 270158 VO Experimental methods for phase diagram determination
- 270164 SE Current aspects of Enviromental- and Radiochemistry
- 270192 VO Environmental Chemistry, Lecture
- 270208 VO Solid State Chemistry - (Modul AC-5)
- 270209 PR Environmental chemistry lab course including scientific fieldwork
- 270254 SE Current aspects of Bioinorganic Chemistry - Current aspects of Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270269 SE Seminar Green Chemistry and Env. Science
1.2. Analytic Chemistry
- 270005 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Proteinanalytics
- 270067 VO Bioinformatics
- 270069 VO Selectivity concepts in modern environmental analysis - a challenge between selective sample preparation and modern mass spectrometry
- 270073 VO Nucleic acid analysis
- 270074 VO Parallelizing and Miniaturization in Analytical Chemistry
- 270078 VO Chiral separation - Chiral analysis by chromatographic and electrophoretic methods
- 270079 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Analytical Measuring Sciences
- 270081 UE Opt. Pract. Exercises: Surface Analytics
- 270089 UE Analysis of bioactive compounds
- 270093 VO Spectrometry
- 270104 SE Analytical-Chemical Seminar - for Master and Diploma Studies
- 270122 UE Mass Spectrometry applied to Bioanalysis
- 270123 VO [ en ] Microfluidics
- 270124 UE Practical course "Nucleic acid analysis"
- 270150 VO Mass Spectrometry II - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions
1.3. Biological Chemistry
- 270010 VO Enzymes - reaction mechanisms and application in organic chemistry
- 270012 SE New Aspects of biophysical chemistry and protein biochemistry
- 270016 VO Semisynthesis of Proteins - Methods for site-specific protein modifications by chemical and molecular biolobigy approaches
- 270023 VO Biosynthesis of Natural Products
- 270067 VO Bioinformatics
- 270073 VO Nucleic acid analysis
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course A - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 270122 UE Mass Spectrometry applied to Bioanalysis
- 270124 UE Practical course "Nucleic acid analysis"
- 270133 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - bioorganic chemistry
- 270137 PR Peptide and Protein Chemistry
- 270150 VO Mass Spectrometry II - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270193 UE Research in Cyanobacteriology - Research in Cyanobacteriology
- 270221 VO Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes - Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes
- 270256 UE Research example in Biophysical Chemistry
- 270257 SE Biophysical Chemical Colloquium
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions
1.4. Food Chemistry
- 270039 UE Practical Course in Food Technology
- 270082 VO+UE Sensorial evaluation and technology of fish, meat and egg
- 270083 VO Regulatory framework and product training of cosmetics and commodities
- 270087 SE Topics in food analysis
- 270096 VO Advanced Food Chemistry
- 270097 VO Toxicology of Food Contaminants I
- 270129 VO Biochemical Principles of Human Nutrition
- 270194 UE Practical course on food chemistry A
- 270215 VO Bioactive Compounds in Foods - Protective and Risk Factors for Humans
1.5. Materials Chemistry
- 270045 VO [ de en ] Conducting molecules
- 270064 VO+UE Simulation methods for (macro)molecular systems
- 270165 SE+UE Practical training in theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
1.6. Organic Chemistry
- 270003 UE+VO Structure-oriented searches in chemical databases - literature and facts
- 270010 VO Enzymes - reaction mechanisms and application in organic chemistry
- 270013 SE+UE Vibrational Spectroscopy - measuerment and selected topics
- 270023 VO Biosynthesis of Natural Products
- 270036 VO Structure-determination 1D/2D NMR - Structure-determination using one- and two-diimensional NMR-Spectroscopy
- 270043 VO Organometallic Catalysis II
- 270049 SE Develpment and application of new methods in organic chemistry - (especially for master and PhD students).
- 270085 VO NMR-Spectroscopy of Dynamic Phenomena
- 270086 SE Structures from Spectra - Interpretation of Spectra and Structure Determination (UVIS, IR, MS, NMR)
- 270112 VO Organometallic Catalysis I
- 270131 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry -modul OC-4 - metalorganic and elementorganic chemistry
- 270133 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - bioorganic chemistry
- 270134 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - module OC-1 - synthetic organic chemistry
- 270136 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry -modul OC-5 - spectroscopic methods in structural analysis
- 270163 UE Practical spectroscopy - UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR
- 270169 SE Electrochemistry in organic synthesis
- 270173 VO Elegance and efficiency of natural product synthesis
- 270187 SE Advanced seminar in organic chemistry
1.7. Physical Chemistry
- 270053 UE [ de en ] Research Project in Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270055 SE [ de en ] Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270064 VO+UE Simulation methods for (macro)molecular systems
- 270107 VO [ de en ] Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270169 SE Electrochemistry in organic synthesis
- 270284 UE Modern Techniques for Materials' Characterization
- 270287 VO Introduction to Structural Chemistry
- 270292 UE+VO Chemical bonding and properties of solids
- 270305 SE+UE Modern Techniques in Materials and Solid State Chemistry
1.8. Theoretical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
- 270013 SE+UE Vibrational Spectroscopy - measuerment and selected topics
- 270034 PR Computer Course for Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
- 270037 VO Cheminformatics
- 270038 UE Computer Course for Cheminformatics
- 270041 SE [ en ] Seminar "Theoretical and Computational Chemistry"
- 270047 VO Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
- 270086 SE Structures from Spectra - Interpretation of Spectra and Structure Determination (UVIS, IR, MS, NMR)
- 270117 VO [ en ] Modern Quantum Chemistry
- 270125 UE [ en ] Modern Quantum Chemistry - Exercises
- 270130 PR [ en ] Scientific Computing - Computer Exercises
- 270136 UE Advanced laboratory course of organic chemistry -modul OC-5 - spectroscopic methods in structural analysis
- 270139 SE [ en ] Modern Quantum Chemistry -Computer Exercises
- 270141 VO [ en ] Scientific Computing
- 270163 UE Practical spectroscopy - UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR
2. Broadening Modules
- 260055 VO Critical discussion of Austria’s electrical power-balance from a physicist’s perspective
- 270008 VO+SE [ en ] Scientific Writing and Presentation
- 270022 UE Examples for research in materials science
- 270030 SE Seminar in Analytical Chemistry - Lecture and discussion forum of diverse topics in Analytical Chemistry
- 270045 VO [ de en ] Conducting molecules
- 270057 SE [ en ] Molecular Modelling
- 270063 SE Actual Problems in Bioorganic Chemistry
- 270065 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Physical and Materials Chemistry
- 270115 SE Lecture Series in Chemistry
- 270145 VO+UE [ en ] Computer-Aided Drug Discovery
- 270156 VO [ de en ] Quantum Mechanics of atoms and molecules: mathematical aspects
- 270170 VO [ en ] Principles of Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy - Applications in Theory
- 270251 VO Biophysical Chemistry of membranes - Biomembranen; Aufbau, elektrische Eigenschaften und Stofftransport
- 270285 SE Seminar Materials Chemistry
- 440003 VO Bio-analytical methods for the identification and evaluation of biomarkers
- 440009 UE Qualification course for a nano-flow HPLC QEXACTIVE Orbitrap mass spectrometry system - Qualification course for a nano-flow HPLC Orbitrap mass spectrometry system
- 270182 VO [ en ] Chemistry of Complex Equilibria
II. Master Biological Chemistry
1. Compulsory Modules
- 270033 VO+UE Molecular Spectroscopy
- 270050 UE Laboratory course: Mathematics for Biol.Chemists
- 270051 UE Computational Course for Biol.Chemists
- 270056 VO Mathematics for Biological Chemists
- 270222 UE Laboratory Course - Specialized synthetical chemistry
- 300036 VO [ en ] Molecular Evolution
- 300037 VO [ de en ] Cellbiology
- 300131 VO Selected acpects of bacterial physiology
- 300150 VO Chromosome Biology and Cytogenetics
- 300415 VO General and Molecular Microbiology
- 300735 VO Modelsystems of Molecular Biology
- 270163 UE Practical spectroscopy - UV/VIS, IR/Ra, NMR
2. Elective Modules
2.1. Specialization Chemical Biology
- 270007 VO+UE Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria
- 270010 VO Enzymes - reaction mechanisms and application in organic chemistry
- 270012 SE New Aspects of biophysical chemistry and protein biochemistry
- 270016 VO Semisynthesis of Proteins - Methods for site-specific protein modifications by chemical and molecular biolobigy approaches
- 270023 VO Biosynthesis of Natural Products
- 270054 UE Algorithms and Development of Programmes for Biological Chemistry
- 270067 VO Bioinformatics
- 270073 VO Nucleic acid analysis
- 270076 SE Seminar Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course A - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270104 SE Analytical-Chemical Seminar - for Master and Diploma Studies
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 270122 UE Mass Spectrometry applied to Bioanalysis
- 270124 UE Practical course "Nucleic acid analysis"
- 270133 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - bioorganic chemistry
- 270137 PR Peptide and Protein Chemistry
- 270145 VO+UE [ en ] Computer-Aided Drug Discovery
- 270150 VO Mass Spectrometry II - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270187 SE Advanced seminar in organic chemistry
- 270193 UE Research in Cyanobacteriology - Research in Cyanobacteriology
- 270221 VO Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes - Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes
- 270251 VO Biophysical Chemistry of membranes - Biomembranen; Aufbau, elektrische Eigenschaften und Stofftransport
- 270256 UE Research example in Biophysical Chemistry
- 270257 SE Biophysical Chemical Colloquium
- 270274 UE Computer laboratory: Computersimulation of Biomolecules
- 270275 VO Computer Simulation of Biomolecules
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions
- 300051 PS Dynamic Biochemistry - for Students of the Masterprogramm Molecular Biology
- 300852 UE [ de en ] Electiv Laboratory Course Advanced Biochemistry
- 270113 SE+UE Biochemistry Laboratory Course D (Cell Biology)
- 270128 PR Practical biotechnology
- 300037 VO [ de en ] Cellbiology
- 300131 VO Selected acpects of bacterial physiology
- 300195 UE Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
- 300246 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology - systematics
- 300415 VO General and Molecular Microbiology
- 300443 VO+SE Cell biology
- 300586 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
- 300591 VO+SE [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology - Lecture Series
2.2. Specialization Food Chemistry
- 270039 UE Practical Course in Food Technology
- 270007 VO+UE Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria
- 270010 VO Enzymes - reaction mechanisms and application in organic chemistry
- 270012 SE New Aspects of biophysical chemistry and protein biochemistry
- 270016 VO Semisynthesis of Proteins - Methods for site-specific protein modifications by chemical and molecular biolobigy approaches
- 270023 VO Biosynthesis of Natural Products
- 270067 VO Bioinformatics
- 270073 VO Nucleic acid analysis
- 270076 SE Seminar Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270100 UE Inorganic Chemistry Lab course A - Inorganic Chemistry Lab course III A - Bioinorganic Chemistry, coordination chemistry
- 270104 SE Analytical-Chemical Seminar - for Master and Diploma Studies
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 270122 UE Mass Spectrometry applied to Bioanalysis
- 270124 UE Practical course "Nucleic acid analysis"
- 270133 UE Advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry - bioorganic chemistry
- 270137 PR Peptide and Protein Chemistry
- 270150 VO Mass Spectrometry II - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270187 SE Advanced seminar in organic chemistry
- 270193 UE Research in Cyanobacteriology - Research in Cyanobacteriology
- 270221 VO Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes - Photosynthesis in Prokaryotes
- 270251 VO Biophysical Chemistry of membranes - Biomembranen; Aufbau, elektrische Eigenschaften und Stofftransport
- 270256 UE Research example in Biophysical Chemistry
- 270257 SE Biophysical Chemical Colloquium
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions
- 300051 PS Dynamic Biochemistry - for Students of the Masterprogramm Molecular Biology
- 300852 UE [ de en ] Electiv Laboratory Course Advanced Biochemistry
- 270082 VO+UE Sensorial evaluation and technology of fish, meat and egg
- 270083 VO Regulatory framework and product training of cosmetics and commodities
- 270087 SE Topics in food analysis
- 270096 VO Advanced Food Chemistry
- 270097 VO Toxicology of Food Contaminants I
- 270129 VO Biochemical Principles of Human Nutrition
- 270194 UE Practical course on food chemistry A
- 270215 VO Bioactive Compounds in Foods - Protective and Risk Factors for Humans
3. Elective Broadening Module
- 260055 VO Critical discussion of Austria’s electrical power-balance from a physicist’s perspective
- 270008 VO+SE [ en ] Scientific Writing and Presentation
- 270030 SE Seminar in Analytical Chemistry - Lecture and discussion forum of diverse topics in Analytical Chemistry
- 270063 SE Actual Problems in Bioorganic Chemistry
- 270115 SE Lecture Series in Chemistry
- 270173 VO Elegance and efficiency of natural product synthesis
- 440003 VO Bio-analytical methods for the identification and evaluation of biomarkers
- 440009 UE Qualification course for a nano-flow HPLC QEXACTIVE Orbitrap mass spectrometry system - Qualification course for a nano-flow HPLC Orbitrap mass spectrometry system
III. Master Chemistry and Technology of Materials
Compulsory Module of Basics
- 270065 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Physical and Materials Chemistry
- 270178 VO+UE Technology of materials and chemical binding
Elective Group of Modules A: Characterization of Materials
Elective Group of Modules B: Functional and Structural Materials and Their Application
- 270284 UE Modern Techniques for Materials' Characterization
- 270287 VO Introduction to Structural Chemistry
- 270305 SE+UE Modern Techniques in Materials and Solid State Chemistry
Elective Group of Modules C: Classes of Materials and Their Syntheses
Elective Group of Modules D: Theory and Basics of Materials and Their Properties
- 270053 UE [ de en ] Research Project in Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270055 SE [ de en ] Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270064 VO+UE Simulation methods for (macro)molecular systems
- 270107 VO [ de en ] Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270121 UE Solid State Chemistry - Properties and Structure of Materials (Modul AC-5)
- 270158 VO Experimental methods for phase diagram determination
- 270165 SE+UE Practical training in theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
- 270208 VO Solid State Chemistry - (Modul AC-5)
Elective Group of Modules E: Mechanical Properties and Processing of Materials
Elective Module
- 270104 SE Analytical-Chemical Seminar - for Master and Diploma Studies
- 270115 SE Lecture Series in Chemistry
27.02. Curriculum Chemistry Teacher
- 270011 SE Engrossing Seminar in addition to the Lecture Didactics of Chemistry
- 270067 VO Bioinformatics
- 270073 VO Nucleic acid analysis
- 270078 VO Chiral separation - Chiral analysis by chromatographic and electrophoretic methods
- 270093 VO Spectrometry
- 270110 SE [ en ] Bioanalysis and Translational Research
- 270123 VO [ en ] Microfluidics
- 270138 VO+UE Introduction to didactics of chemistry
- 270142 SE Special Didactics of Chemistry - competent Teaching of Chemistry in Theory and Practice
- 270152 SE Special Didactics Chemistry - for Diploma and PhD students
- 270179 UE [ de en ] Exercise Course for Physical Chemistry I - (Introduction)
1. First Section
- 270017 PR STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Introductory Lab Course
- 270026 PS STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Proseminar
- 270029 PR STEOP: Basic Chemistry Laboratory Course I - Preparative Lab Course - StEOP nur für Bachelor, nicht für Lehramt !
- 270052 VO Analytical Chemistry I
- 270061 VO Inorganic Chemistry I
- 270062 UE Basic Laboratory Course II B
- 270077 PR Basic Laboratory Course II A
- 270162 SE Introduction into school routine - for students of "Chemistry Teacher programm"
- 270186 VO Organic Chemistry I - classes of compounds
- 270219 VO [ de en ] Physical Chemistry I - (Introduction)
2. Second Section
- 260077 SE Dealing with Gender and Diversity constructively - Comparing Science, German and English language teaching. Class Room Observation as a research method to identify Good Practice
- 270069 VO Selectivity concepts in modern environmental analysis - a challenge between selective sample preparation and modern mass spectrometry
- 270074 VO Parallelizing and Miniaturization in Analytical Chemistry
- 270127 UE Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry - Lab course
- 270148 VO Physical Chemistry III - Physical Chemistry of condensed materials (macromolecular chemistry and structural chemistry)
- 270150 VO Mass Spectrometry II - Modern instrumentation, methods and applications
- 270166 SE Seminar for chemistry teaching
- 270167 VO+UE Class room experiments in chemistry - general and inorganic chemistry
- 270168 UE Chemical Teachers Experiments in Organic Chemistry
- 270171 VO+UE Use of computers in chemistry classes
- 270172 PU Tutorial (Teacher accreditions programm)
- 270174 SE Selected chapters of chemistry - -students of lectureship
- 270176 SE Modern themes in Biochemistry - -biochemistry current
- 270177 VO Theoretical Chemistry for Teacher Accreditation
- 270181 VO Organic Chemistry for Highschool Teachers - -Chemistry
- 270183 VO Inorganic Technology
- 270297 VO Receptor-Ligand Interactions
- 270312 VO Toxicology
27.03. Doctoral Studies in Chemistry
- 270004 SE [ en ] Seminar in Biological Chemistry for post-graduates
- 270008 VO+SE [ en ] Scientific Writing and Presentation
- 270022 UE Examples for research in materials science
- 270030 SE Seminar in Analytical Chemistry - Lecture and discussion forum of diverse topics in Analytical Chemistry
- 270041 SE [ en ] Seminar "Theoretical and Computational Chemistry"
- 270045 VO [ de en ] Conducting molecules
- 270049 SE Develpment and application of new methods in organic chemistry - (especially for master and PhD students).
- 270053 UE [ de en ] Research Project in Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270055 SE [ de en ] Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270057 SE [ en ] Molecular Modelling
- 270060 SE Seminar: Methods of Biomolecularen Simulation - Seminar: Methods of Biomolecularen Simulation
- 270063 SE Actual Problems in Bioorganic Chemistry
- 270064 VO+UE Simulation methods for (macro)molecular systems
- 270065 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Physical and Materials Chemistry
- 270099 SE Special problems of bio- and cheminformatics
- 270106 SE [ en ] Artificial Recognition Strategies in Chemical Sensing
- 270107 VO [ de en ] Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270115 SE Lecture Series in Chemistry
- 270116 SE Instrumental Techniques in Bioanalytical Chemistry
- 270119 SE Immunoanalytical and molecular biological methods
- 270130 PR [ en ] Scientific Computing - Computer Exercises
- 270141 VO [ en ] Scientific Computing
- 270145 VO+UE [ en ] Computer-Aided Drug Discovery
- 270151 VO Stochastic chemical kinetics
- 270152 SE Special Didactics Chemistry - for Diploma and PhD students
- 270165 SE+UE Practical training in theoretical and computational materials chemistry and polymer chemistry
- 270170 VO [ en ] Principles of Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy - Applications in Theory
- 270223 SE Seminar: Electrostatics of Biomolecules - Seminar: Electrostatics of Biomolecules
- 270254 SE Current aspects of Bioinorganic Chemistry - Current aspects of Bioinorganic Chemistry
- 270284 UE Modern Techniques for Materials' Characterization
- 270285 SE Seminar Materials Chemistry
- 270287 VO Introduction to Structural Chemistry
- 270292 UE+VO Chemical bonding and properties of solids
- 270305 SE+UE Modern Techniques in Materials and Solid State Chemistry
- 440003 VO Bio-analytical methods for the identification and evaluation of biomarkers
- 440008 SE PhD-Seminar Bioactivity Profiling
- 440009 UE Qualification course for a nano-flow HPLC QEXACTIVE Orbitrap mass spectrometry system - Qualification course for a nano-flow HPLC Orbitrap mass spectrometry system
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37