23.04. Master Program in Sociology
Detaillierte Informationen zum Masterstudiengang Soziologie finden Sie auf der Homepage der Studienprogrammleitung 23
C.1. Compulsory Modules
C.1.1 MA T Sociological Theory: Comparison, Application and Construction
- 230063 VO Developements in sociological theory
- 230061 SE Experimental Analysis of Theoretical Models in Economic and Political Sociology
- 230092 SE Pierre Bourdieu and lifestyle theories
- 230101 SE Milestones of Sociology. Key theoretical models in sociological thought
- 230122 SE "Culture" over "Society"? - The potentials and pitfalls of the "cultural turn" in sociological theory
- 230066 SE Reading Seminar: Sociology of Religion after Max Weber Weber
- 230139 SE [ en ] Reading Seminar: Deleuze for Social Sciences
- 230151 SE Reading Seminar: Richard Sennett
C.1.2 Applied Methods and Research Strategies
- 230064 SE Qualitative Methods: Observation, Interviews, Analysis of Visual Data
- 230120 SE Qualitative Methods: Observation and Interview
- 230136 SE Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
C.1.3 F Area of Specialization
C.1.3.1 Area of Specialization: Health and Organization
- 230106 VO Theories of Organization
- 230113 VO Health and Health Promotion in Organisational Settings
- 230090 VO+SE Quality improvement in health care - Governance between health politics and organizational development, between expert and lay perspectives
- 230091 SE Non-medical interventions for health and their problems - Implementation in and by complex systems
- 230097 SE Group dynamics - Intercultural communication
- 230103 SE The Dynamics of Organizations
- 230118 SE Introduction to Evaluation Research
C.1.3.2 Area of Specialization: Culture and Society
- 230046 VO Picture Theories in Socio-historical Contexts. Developments and Basic Concepts
- 230089 SE Television society - Television as a sociological learning machine
- 230088 SE High culture and popular culture - A relationship of tensions between globalisation, national identity formation and local appropriation.
- 230122 SE "Culture" over "Society"? - The potentials and pitfalls of the "cultural turn" in sociological theory
- 230023 SE The Visual Worlds of Today’s Social Web - Image-based Communication on Facebook and YouTube
- 230047 SE Advanced Visual Sociology: Filmsociology
- 230048 UE Interpreting Pictures based on Segment Analysis
- 230060 FPR Practicing Visual Sociology
- 230068 VO+SE Ethnography with a special focus on ethnographic film
C.1.3.3 Area of Specialization: Family Research, Generations, Lifespan
- 230087 VO Families and Demographic Developments in Europe
- 230080 VO Ageing: Interdisciplinary perspectives - Caring cultures and potentials
- 230085 SE Sociological Theory and Family
- 230083 VO+SE Family structures and national regulations - Modification of the social welfare state and gender perspectives
- 230072 VO+SE Social Network Analysis
- 230118 SE Introduction to Evaluation Research
C.1.3.4 Area of Specialization: Social Structure and Social Integration
- 230039 VO Sociology of Work - An introduction to approaches, debates and research findings
- 230079 SE Processes of exclusion in rural-peripheral social environments
- 230096 SE Social Division in the City - Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of Segregation and Gentrification
- 230123 SE [ en ] Comparative Migration Research
- 230157 SE [ en ] Issues in Contemporary Immigration
- 230061 SE Experimental Analysis of Theoretical Models in Economic and Political Sociology
- 230072 VO+SE Social Network Analysis
- 230094 SE Figurations of Help and Care in Contemporary Society
- 230095 SE Survey Methodology
- 230102 SE Gender and Globalisation - Genderaspekte ökonomischer Globalisierung. Analysen und Perspektiven
- 230109 SE Society in economic and social crises? - Analyses of the causes and consequences
- 230118 SE Introduction to Evaluation Research
- 230162 PR Space theories - Producing and reclaiming the public space
C. Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 030510 SE Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 070079 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Migrations in Modern European History
C.1.3.5 Area of Specialization: Visual Sociology
- 230046 VO Picture Theories in Socio-historical Contexts. Developments and Basic Concepts
- 230023 SE The Visual Worlds of Today’s Social Web - Image-based Communication on Facebook and YouTube
- 230047 SE Advanced Visual Sociology: Filmsociology
- 230048 UE Interpreting Pictures based on Segment Analysis
- 230060 FPR Practicing Visual Sociology
C.1.3.5 Area of Specialization: Studies of Science
- 230137 VO [ en ] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting. Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230138 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting
- 230140 VO [ en ] Knowledge and Technology Cultures: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230141 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Knowledge and Technology Cultures
- 230142 SE [ en ] Living in NatureCulture Worlds. An Introduction to feminist science studies
- 230143 SE [ en ] Practices and policies of 'Science in Society'
- 230144 SE [ en ] Sensory Studies of Science
- 230146 SE [ en ] Science, Technology & 'the Law'
- 230147 SE [ en ] Digital Methods How Do We Know?
- 230155 SE [ en ] Science Dynamics: How New Research Fields Develop
C.1.4 AR Master Thesis Seminar
- 230050 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar: Visual Sociology and Biographical Research
- 230058 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar: F : Family Research, Generations, Lifespan
- 230065 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar: Organization and Health
- 230115 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar: Inequality, migration and ethnicity and urban life
- 230121 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar: Culture and Society
- 230171 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar/PhD Seminar: Social Stratification Research
C.1.4.1 Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 230149 SE-MA [ en ] Coping with trouble II: Seminar for Master students in 'Science-Technology-Society' (STS)
C.2 Compulsory Elective Modules
C.2.1 EF Focus on an Area of Specialization
C.2.1.1 EF Focus on an Area of Specialization - Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 230137 VO [ en ] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting. Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230138 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting
- 230140 VO [ en ] Knowledge and Technology Cultures: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230141 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Knowledge and Technology Cultures
- 230142 SE [ en ] Living in NatureCulture Worlds. An Introduction to feminist science studies
- 230143 SE [ en ] Practices and policies of 'Science in Society'
- 230144 SE [ en ] Sensory Studies of Science
- 230146 SE [ en ] Science, Technology & 'the Law'
- 230147 SE [ en ] Digital Methods How Do We Know?
- 230155 SE [ en ] Science Dynamics: How New Research Fields Develop
C.2.2 EM Focus on Methods
- 230068 VO+SE Ethnography with a special focus on ethnographic film
- 230070 PR Interviewing
- 230071 PR [ en ] Introduction to SPSS
- 230072 VO+SE Social Network Analysis
- 230095 SE Survey Methodology
- 230099 PR Research ethics
- 230117 SE Depiction skills and critical dealing with data and references
- 230118 SE Introduction to Evaluation Research
- 230134 PR Advanced Data Analysis with STATA
C.2.3 ET Focus on Sociological Theory
C.2.4 PM Project Management
- 230107 SE Projectmanagement
C.2.4.1. MA PM Project Management - Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 230166 TR Project Management and Evaluation
C.2.5 SM Elective Social Science Module
C.2.5.1 SM Elective Social Science Module - Recommanded Lectures of other Departments
- 230159 SE Networks for women in science and research
- 230137 VO [ en ] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting. Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230138 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting
- 230140 VO [ en ] Knowledge and Technology Cultures: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 230141 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Knowledge and Technology Cultures
- 230142 SE [ en ] Living in NatureCulture Worlds. An Introduction to feminist science studies
- 230143 SE [ en ] Practices and policies of 'Science in Society'
- 230144 SE [ en ] Sensory Studies of Science
- 230146 SE [ en ] Science, Technology & 'the Law'
- 230147 SE [ en ] Digital Methods How Do We Know?
- 230155 SE [ en ] Science Dynamics: How New Research Fields Develop
- 010068 SE [ en ] Social capital and religion: a possible new model of categorizing religious communities
- 030214 KU Protection against discrimination - implementation, awareness and arguments
- 030217 SE Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030219 SE Aspects regarding consumerism of the anti-discrimination act - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030223 SE Seminar - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030402 KU Psychological Basics of Conflict Resolution
- 030510 SE Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 040314 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040386 EK KFK IndM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040313 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040408 VK KFK IndM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 140376 VO T I - T III - VM1 - VM3 - Quantitative Research in International Development
- 350172 VLV BC2I - Deepening Course Sport Sociology
- 350585 SLV MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
- 070086 VO Lecture Specialisaton 2 - Sexualität im 20. Jahrhundert - Globale Perspektiven und internationale Entwicklung
- 140163 SE T I - T III - VM3 - VM6 Social Protection and Social Policy in Developing and Transition Countries - Social Movements and Critique of Development Policy in Latin America
- 140210 SE T I - T II - VM5 - VM6 - Eurocentrism and Its Critique
- 140213 VO T III - VM1 - VM5 - Statelessness in an International Context - Meaning, Origin, Countermeasures
- 140220 SE T IV - VM4 - VM7 NGO-Activists and Soldiers as Photographers - Feminized and Colonized Images of Famine and War
- 230172 SE The global university system - Higher education development from an international comparative perspective
C.2.6 WK Knowledge Communication
- 230098 UE Knowledge Communication - Scientific Writing of Thesis - Wie entsteht ein guter Text ?
- 230105 UE Good style as a tool. Writing Workshop
- 230117 SE Depiction skills and critical dealing with data and references
- 230153 WS Urban interface - Syntopies between arts and science
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38