2. Master Degree Programme "Regional Research and Regional Planning"
MR1. Advanced Methods of Regional Research
MR2. Concepts, Tools and Legal Basics of Regional Planning
MR3. Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control
- 290397 VO Place Identity
- 290396 VO Regional Economics - Specialisation of Regions
- 290037 VO Geography of Transport Systems: State and Market - Focus on Transport
- 290003 PS Spatial pattern of economic development in Europe
- 290011 PS Modelle in Humangeographie (Wirtschaftsgeographie) und Raumforschung
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290070 PS Migration(s) - City - Polic(ies) - Zum Beziehungsgeflecht von Migration, Stadt und Politiken auf lokaler Ebene
- 290109 PS [ en ] Contemporary Problems in Urban Development - Comparing Urban Development: European and US-American Cities
- 290386 VU [ en ] Principles of Urban Planning and Urbanism
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
MR4. Theoretical and Applied Regional Research and Regional Planning I
- 290059 SE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Strategische Entwicklungskonzepte für Städte und Stadtregionen im europäischen Vergleich
MR5. Theoretical and Applied Regional Research and Regional Planning II
- 290059 SE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Strategische Entwicklungskonzepte für Städte und Stadtregionen im europäischen Vergleich
MR6. Elective Modules
MR7. Field Trips
- 290374 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country - in Nordrhein-Westfalen und den Niederlanden
- 290096 EX Field trip: North Rhine-Westphalia and The Netherlands
- 290034 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion - (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290095 EX [ de en ] Field Trip: Western Balkan - EU-Integration und Regionalentwicklung
- 290093 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: Cartography and Geoinformation - in the Czech Repunlik and in Germany
- 290094 EX Field trip - Foreign Country: Cartograhy and Geoinfromation - in the Czech Republik and in Germany
- 290178 EX Excursion in Human Geography: Northern Borderland - Waldviertel, Lower Austria
- 290193 EX Excursion: Second Residences in Northern Burgenland: Problems and Perspectives
- 290021 EX [ en ] "Waterfront Vienna" - Excursion in Urban Planning and Development
- 290010 EX [ en ] Making Cycle City - Vienna
- 290020 EX Demographischer Wandel in der Region "Schneebergland" - Auswirkungen auf Regionalentwicklung und Raumordnung
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and agriculture Marchfeld
- 290395 EX Field Trip
- 290177 EX Field Trip: Cartography and GIS - GIS und Kartographie bei Behörden, wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und Wirtschaft in Österreich
MR8. Master's Thesis
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38