PM Specialisation 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History
- 070068 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Forced Migration as Political Means
- 070071 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Geschichte der Welthandelsordnung seit dem späten 19. Jahrhundert
- 070078 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - 'Alterung der Gesellschaft' aus historischer Perspektive
- 070079 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Migrations in Modern European History
- 070080 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Urban and economic development in the 19th and 20th century
- 070086 VO Lecture Specialisaton 2 - Sexualität im 20. Jahrhundert - Globale Perspektiven und internationale Entwicklung
- 070104 SE Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Kulturtransfers und Akkulturationsphänomene im Zuasmmenhang mit der sog. (Proto-)Globalisierung (1250 bis etwa 1620)
- 070113 SE [ en ] Seminar Specialisation 2 - The End of Empires 1857-1923
- 070128 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Familie-Ehe-Liebe-häusliche Gewalt. Aspekte der Kultur-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Europas im globalen Vergleich vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart
- 070170 SE [ en ] Seminar Specialisation 2
- 070202 VO Lecture Specialisaton 2 - Theories of development in the 19th and 20th century
- 070203 SE [ es ] Seminar Specialisation 2 - Desarrollo contra subsistencia
- 070227 SE [ en ] Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Living standards in medieval Europe and India. A comparison.
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38