Universität Wien

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

140167 VO+UE T I - VM3 - Whose Knowledge for Whose Development: Sociology of Knowledge and Development - Wissenssoziologische Ansätze der Entwicklungsforschung
140183 SE SE IE - VM4 - VM5 Transdisciplinarity. Concepts, Debates, Models of Trans-thinking - Denkschulen der Transdisziplinarität: Konzepte - Debatten - Modelle des Querdenkens
140226 VO+UE T I - T IV - VM4 - VM8 - Asylum Seekers as Rights Claimants?! - a Transdisciplinary Approach to Asylum Realities and the Role of Rights, Dignity and Empowerment

Last modified: Fr 18.10.2019 02:01