2.04. Masterstudium Evangelische Fachtheologie
- 020010 VO-L Theology of the Old Testament 2: Creation
- 020024 VO Dogmatics 2
- 020025 SE The Theology of John Calvin
- 020027 PS Homiletics
- 020028 SE Seminar on Pastoral Care / Pastoral Psychology - Ansätze, Ressourcen und Perspektiven der Seelsorge seit 1945
- 020029 SE Leuenberg 2013 - Wilhlm Dantine and the Theology of the Diaspora - Interdisziplinäre Forschung im Masterstudium
- 020036 SE Research Seminar Religious Education
- 020041 SE Pietism
- 020045 SE Subjects of Old Testament Research: Wisdom and Poetry
- 020049 SE Augustine
- 020051 SE Exploring religion. An introduction to empirical methods.
- 020053 SE Priszilan
- 020056 SE Compulsory Optional Subject: Psychology of Religion - Beyond Moral: Nietzsche and Freud
- 020057 SE Free Will
- 020058 SE Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions - Current methods and their application in research projects
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38