Directorate of Studies 20 - Psychology
Die Plätze für Lehrveranstaltungen werden im Anmeldesystem ausschließlich nach dem Kriterium des Studienfortschritts zugeteilt. Es werden daher pro Semester Punkte nach Studienfortschritt vergeben (Leistungsprinzip). Dies gewährleistet, dass Studierende die für den weiteren Studienfortschritt (gemäß Curriculum) vorgesehenen Lehrveranstaltungen tatsächlich besuchen können. Zur Berechnung der Punkte werden die bisher im Studium absolvierten ECTS-Punkte herangezogen.
20.01. Psychology
A. Bachelors Programme
Compulsory Module Group A - INOP Part 1
- 200001 VO Introduction to Scientific Thinking
- 200002 VO STEOP: Paradigm History and Parameters of Psychology
- 200003 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Basic Subjects of Psychology (General Psychology and Developmental Psycho
- 200004 VO STEOP: Introduction to Applied Psychology
Compulsory Module Group B - INOP Part 2
- 200005 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200006 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200007 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200008 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200009 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200010 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200011 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200012 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200013 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200014 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200015 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
- 200016 UE Supervised Orientation Tutorial (SOT)
Compulsory Module Group C - Core Subject I
C1. Cognition and Emotional Psychology
- 200017 VO Cognition and Emotional Psychology I
C2. Biological Psychology
C3. Proseminar of Cognitive and Biological Principles of Experience and Behaviour
- 200019 PS Introductory Seminar: Cognitive Foundations of Experience and Behaviour
- 200020 PS Introductory Seminar: Cognitive Foundations of Experience and Behaviour
- 200021 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar: Cognitive Foundations of Experience and Behaviour
- 200022 PS Introductory Seminar Biological Basis of Experience and Behaviour
- 200023 PS Introductory Seminar Biological Basis of Experience and Behaviour
Compulsory Module Group D - Core Subject II Aspects of Experience and Behaviour from a Social, Developmental and Differential Psychological Point of View
D1. Social Psychology
D2. Developmental Psychology
D3. Personality and Differential Psychology
- 200024 VO Personality and Differential Psychology
D4. Proseminar for C1, C2, C3
- 200025 PS Introductory Seminar Social Psychology
- 200026 PS Introductory Seminar Social Psychology
- 200027 PS Introductory Seminar Developmental Psychology
- 200028 PS Introductory Seminar Developmental Psychology - Jugend und Emerging Adulthood
- 200029 PS Introductory Seminar Developmental Psychology - Entwicklung im jungen Erwachsenenalter
- 200030 PS Introductory Seminar Differential Psychology
- 200031 PS Introductory Seminar Differential Psychology - Kognitive, emotionale und genderbezogene Aspekte des Lernens und Leistens
- 200268 PS Introductory Seminar Social Psychology - Grundlagen der Sozialpsychologie und ausgewählte Anwendungsperspektiven (Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Well-being, Musikwirkung, Sport und Bewegung)
- 200280 PS Introductory Seminar Developmental Psychology
Compulsory Module Group E - Methodological and Diagnostic Principles
E1. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Psychology
E2. Theory and Methods in Psychological Measurement and Observation
E3. Theory and Techniques in Psychological Diagnosis
- 200032 VO Theoretical Basics, Ethical and Legal Parameters of Psychological Diagnosis
- 200033 VU Techniques of Psychologic-Diagnostic Methods
- 200256 VU Techniques of Psychologic-Diagnostic Methods
Compulsory Module Group F - Fields of Application
F1. Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
F2. Educational Psychology and Evaluation
- 200035 VO Educational Psychologiy and Evaluation
F3. Work, Organisational and Economic Psychology
Compulsory Module Group G - Vocational Preparation
G1. Practical Skills
- 200037 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200038 UE Psychological Counselling Skills - Arbeit als Student Advisor
- 200039 UE Psychological Counselling Skills - Arbeit als Student Advisor
- 200040 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200041 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200042 UE Psychological Counselling Skills - Arbeit als Student Advisor
- 200043 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200044 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200045 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200046 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200047 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200048 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200049 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200265 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200266 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200267 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200269 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200271 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200275 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200276 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200277 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200279 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
- 200281 UE Presentation and Moderation Techniques
G2. Practical Skills of Diagnosis
- 200050 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200051 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200052 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200053 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200054 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200055 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200056 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200057 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200058 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200059 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200060 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200061 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200062 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200273 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200274 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200282 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
Compulsory Module Group H - Bachelor Thesis
H1. Research
- 200063 VO Praxis of Scientific Working - entspricht: Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation I
H2. Bachelor Thesis
- 200064 SE Bachelor's Thesis I (Empirical Practice)
- 200065 SE Bachelor's Thesis I (Empirical Practice)
- 200066 SE Bachelor's Thesis I (Empirical Practice)
- 200067 SE Bachelor's Thesis I (Empirical Practice)
- 200068 SE Bachelor's Thesis I (Empirical Practice)
- 200069 SE Bachelor's Thesis II (Seminar)
- 200070 SE Bachelor's Thesis II (Seminar)
- 200071 SE Bachelor's Thesis II (Seminar)
- 200072 SE Bachelor's Thesis II (Seminar)
- 200073 SE Bachelor's Thesis II (Seminar)
- 200074 SE Bachelor's Thesis II (Seminar)
- 200075 SE Bachelor's Thesis II (Seminar)
- 200076 SE Bachelor's Thesis II (Seminar) - Applied Social Psychology
- 200272 SE Bachelor's Thesis II (Seminar)
A. Diploma Study Psychology
Level One
1.1. Introduction in Psychology
1.2. General Psychology
- 200017 VO Cognition and Emotional Psychology I
- 200019 PS Introductory Seminar: Cognitive Foundations of Experience and Behaviour
- 200020 PS Introductory Seminar: Cognitive Foundations of Experience and Behaviour
- 200021 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar: Cognitive Foundations of Experience and Behaviour
- 200022 PS Introductory Seminar Biological Basis of Experience and Behaviour
- 200023 PS Introductory Seminar Biological Basis of Experience and Behaviour
1.3. Methodology and Statistics
- 200064 SE Bachelor's Thesis I (Empirical Practice)
- 200065 SE Bachelor's Thesis I (Empirical Practice)
- 200066 SE Bachelor's Thesis I (Empirical Practice)
- 200067 SE Bachelor's Thesis I (Empirical Practice)
- 200068 SE Bachelor's Thesis I (Empirical Practice)
1.4. Developmental Psychology
- 200027 PS Introductory Seminar Developmental Psychology
- 200028 PS Introductory Seminar Developmental Psychology - Jugend und Emerging Adulthood
- 200029 PS Introductory Seminar Developmental Psychology - Entwicklung im jungen Erwachsenenalter
- 200280 PS Introductory Seminar Developmental Psychology
1.5. Differential Psychology
- 200024 VO Personality and Differential Psychology
- 200030 PS Introductory Seminar Differential Psychology
- 200031 PS Introductory Seminar Differential Psychology - Kognitive, emotionale und genderbezogene Aspekte des Lernens und Leistens
1.6. Biological Psychology
1.7. Social Psychology
- 200025 PS Introductory Seminar Social Psychology
- 200026 PS Introductory Seminar Social Psychology
- 200268 PS Introductory Seminar Social Psychology - Grundlagen der Sozialpsychologie und ausgewählte Anwendungsperspektiven (Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Well-being, Musikwirkung, Sport und Bewegung)
Level Two
2.1. Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
- 200034 VO Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
- 200077 VO Clinical psychology in childhood and adolescence
- 200079 UE Basic Skills of Clinical Psychology
- 200082 UE Basic Skills of Clinical Psychology
- 200084 UE Basic Skills of Clinical Psychology
- 200157 VO psychosocial supply and health care systems
2.2. Psychological Assessment
- 200032 VO Theoretical Basics, Ethical and Legal Parameters of Psychological Diagnosis
- 200050 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200051 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200052 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200053 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200054 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200055 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200056 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200057 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200058 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200059 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200060 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200061 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200062 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200085 VO Psychological Assessment Case Studies
- 200086 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Beratung bei Problemen im Schulalter
- 200087 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Entwicklungsdiagnostik bei Klein- und Vorschulkindern
- 200088 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Hochbegabtendiagnostik
- 200089 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Entwicklungsdiagnostik und Verhaltensbeobachtung im Kindesalter
- 200090 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Verkehrspsychologische Diagnostik
- 200091 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Personalselektion und Eignungsbeurteilung von MitarbeiterInnen
- 200092 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Neuropsychologische Diagnostik bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
- 200093 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Diagnostik im Personalwesen (öffentlicher Dienst)
- 200094 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Neuropsychologische Diagnostik bei Erwachsenen, Älteren (Demenzdiagnostik) und in der Gutachterpraxis
- 200095 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Schul- und Laufbahnberatung bei Kindern mit Türkisch als Muttersprache
- 200096 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Rehabilitationsdiagnostik bei Erwachsenen
- 200097 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Eignung zum Auslandseinsatz und Pilotenauswahl beim Bundesheer
- 200098 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Psychologische Diagnostik und Beratung bei englischsprachigen Kindern und Jugendlichen
- 200230 VO Testing and Assessment: Theoretical Emphasis and Areas of Application
- 200247 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200248 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200250 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200251 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200252 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200253 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200273 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200274 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200282 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
2.3. Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200036 VO Labour, Organisational and Business Psychology
- 200099 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200101 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200103 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200105 UE Exercises in Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
2.4. Educational Psychology
- 200035 VO Educational Psychologiy and Evaluation
- 200222 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology
- 200223 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology
- 200224 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology
- 200225 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology - International Models to Manage Gifted Education
- 200226 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology - Quality Management in Early Childhood Education and Care
- 200227 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology - Schwerpunkte elementarer Bildung
- 200228 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology
- 200283 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology
2.5. Research Methods and Evaluation
- 200063 VO Praxis of Scientific Working - entspricht: Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation I
- 200107 FPR Research Practical II
- 200108 FPR Research Practical II
- 200109 FPR Research Practical II - Arbeitsautonomie: Ressource oder neue Belastung in einer sich wandelnden Arbeitswelt?
- 200110 FPR Research Practical II
- 200114 FPR Research Practical II
- 200115 FPR Research Practical II
- 200221 VO Advanced Statistics
- 200229 VO Advanced Research Methods
2.6. Required Courses of the Diploma Module
- 200117 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200118 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200119 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200120 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200121 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200122 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200123 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200124 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200125 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200126 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200127 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200128 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200129 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200130 FS Research Seminar
- 200131 FS Research Seminar
- 200132 FS Research Seminar
- 200133 FS Research Seminar
- 200134 FS Research Seminar
- 200135 FS Research Seminar
- 200136 FS Research Seminar
- 200137 FS Research Seminar
- 200138 FS Research Seminar
- 200139 FS Research Seminar
- 200140 FS Research Seminar
- 200141 FS Research Seminar
- 200142 FS Research Seminar
- 200143 FS Research Seminar
- 200144 FS Research Seminar
- 200145 FS Research Seminar
- 200146 FS Research Seminar
- 200147 FS Research Seminar
- 200148 FS Research Seminar
- 200149 FS Research Seminar
- 200150 FS Research Seminar
- 200151 FS Research Seminar
- 200152 FS Research Seminar
- 200153 FS Research Seminar
- 200154 FS Research Seminar
- 200155 FS Research Seminar
- 200284 FS Research Seminar
- 200285 FS Research Seminar
2.8. Optional Subject: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
- 200158 VO Concepts and basic positions in therapeutic interventions
- 200159 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Alzheimer, Demenz und Depression im höheren Lebensalter
- 200160 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Diagnostik in der Klinischen Neuropsychologie mit Schwerpunkt Alter
- 200161 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Neuropsychologische Diagnostik und Rehabilitation mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des olfaktorischen Systems
- 200162 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Evidenz-basierte Diagnostik psychischer Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter (Angststörungen, Depressive Störungen, Posttraumatische Störungen und Störungen der Aufmerksamkeit, der Aktivität und des Sozialverhaltens)
- 200163 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Störungen im Baby- und Kleinkindalter
- 200164 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Klinische Psychologie im Krankenhaus
- 200165 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei somatischen Erkrankungen
- 200166 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Emotionsregulation in der klinischen Psychologie
- 200167 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung
- 200168 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Humor in der Klinischen und Gesundheitspsychologie
- 200169 PS Specific Mental Health Disorders - Angststörungen, Zwangsstörungen und affektive Störungen
- 200170 PS Specific Mental Health Disorders - Traumafolgestörungen
- 200171 PS Specific Mental Health Disorders - Psychopathologie aus tiefenpsychologischer Sicht
- 200172 PS Psychosomatics and Behavioral Medicine
- 200264 PS Specific Mental Health Disorders - Gender und psychische Störungen
2.9. Optional Subject: Educational / Evaluation / Training
- 200173 PS Research methods - Theorie und Anwendung von Strukturgleichungsmodellen
- 200175 PS Work Methods in Practice
- 200176 PS Work Methods in Practice
- 200177 PS Areas of application
- 200178 PS Problem-oriented Seminar I
- 200179 PST Project based work in Educational Psychology, Evaluation and Training I
2.10. Optional Subject: Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200180 PS Work Analysis, Evaluation and Redesign - Psychic stress at work
- 200181 PS Motivation in Organizations
- 200182 PS Leadership - Ausgewählte Konzepte von Führung und Changemanagement
- 200183 PS Leadership - Aufgabenstellungen in der Personal- und Führungsarbeit vom Unternehmenseintritt eines Mitarbeiters bis zu seinem Austritt
- 200184 PS Leadership
- 200185 PS Market- and Consumer Psychology
- 200186 PST Research Projects in Economic Psychology I
2.11. Optional Subject: Social Psychology
- 200187 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis
- 200188 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Self-concept and self-esteem
- 200189 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - The psychology of decision-making - Human decision behavior in social and economic contexts
- 200190 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Liebe und Partnerschaft
- 200191 PS Areas of Application - Conformity, authority, social influence
- 200192 PS Areas of Application - Theorie der Beeinflussung
- 200193 PS Areas of Application - Ostracism and bullying
- 200194 PS Areas of Application - Risk perception
- 200195 PST Project based work in Socialpsychologie I
2.12. Optional Subject: Developmental Psychology
- 200196 UE Observing Children
- 200197 UE Observing Children
- 200199 UE Interviewing
- 200200 PS Research methods in developmental Psychology
- 200201 PS Applied developmental Psychology
- 200202 PS Applied developmental Psychology
- 200206 PS Methods of Psychological Assessment and Counselling: Preschool Children
- 200207 PRS Psychological Counseling: Toddlers and Preschoolers
- 200208 PS Methods of Psychological Assessment and Counselling: Children and Adolescents
- 200209 PS Methods of Psychological Assessment and Counselling: Children and Adolescents
- 200210 PRS Psychological Counseling: Children and Adolescents
- 200211 PST Project-based Course in Developmental Psychology I
- 200216 PS Methods of Psychological Assessment and Counselling: Preschool Children
- 200217 PST Project-based Course in Developmental Psychology II
2.13. Optional Subject: Psychological Assessment
- 200212 PS Introduction & Case Studies - ADHS
- 200213 PS Introduction & Case Studies: Family Assessment
- 200214 PS Introduction & Case Studies
- 200215 PS Introduction & Case Studies - Rechenstörung
2.7. Internship in Psychology
- 200231 PPR Practical Course
C. Masterstudium Psychologie
Pflichtmodulgruppe A: Gemeinsamer Kern
A1: Pflichtmodul Methoden und Statistik
- 200221 VO Advanced Statistics
- 200229 VO Advanced Research Methods
- 200230 VO Testing and Assessment: Theoretical Emphasis and Areas of Application
A2: Pflichtmodul Praktikum
- 200231 PPR Practical Course
A3: Aufbauende Theoretische Grundlagen
- 200232 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200233 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200234 VU Educational Psychology and Evaluation
- 200235 VU Educational Psychology and Evaluation
- 200236 VU Social and Economic Psychology
- 200237 VU Social and Economic Psychology
- 200238 VU Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences
- 200239 VU Research Approaches in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200240 VU Special Topics in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200241 VU Psychology of Health, Disorder and Impairment
- 200242 VU Psychology of Health, Disorder and Impairment
- 200243 VU Psychology of Health, Disorder and Impairment
- 200244 VU Differential Developmental Psychology
- 200245 VU Differential Developmental Psychology
- 200246 VU Differential Developmental Psychology
- 200247 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200248 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200250 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200251 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200252 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200253 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
A4: Pflichtmodul Freie Fächer
- 200232 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200233 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200234 VU Educational Psychology and Evaluation
- 200235 VU Educational Psychology and Evaluation
- 200236 VU Social and Economic Psychology
- 200237 VU Social and Economic Psychology
- 200238 VU Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences
- 200239 VU Research Approaches in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200240 VU Special Topics in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200241 VU Psychology of Health, Disorder and Impairment
- 200242 VU Psychology of Health, Disorder and Impairment
- 200243 VU Psychology of Health, Disorder and Impairment
- 200244 VU Differential Developmental Psychology
- 200245 VU Differential Developmental Psychology
- 200246 VU Differential Developmental Psychology
- 200247 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200248 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200250 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200251 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200252 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200253 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
Pflichtmodulgruppe B: Vertiefung
Pflichtmodulgruppe B1: Angewandte Psychologie: Arbeit, Bildung und Wirtschaft
B1.1: Vertiefung
B1.2: Anwendung und spezielle Themenfelder
B1.3: Theorie und Empirie wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
Pflichtmodulgruppe B2: Psychologische Grundlagen: Geist und Gehirn
B2.1: Vertiefung
B2.2: Anwendung und spezielle Themenfelder
B2.3: Theorie und Empirie wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
Pflichtmodulgruppe B3: Gesundheit, Entwicklung und Förderung
B3.1: Vertiefung
B3.2: Anwendung und spezielle Themenfelder
B3.3: Theorie und Empirie wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
Pflichtmodulgruppe C: Masterarbeit-Seminare
C: Masterarbeit-Seminare
- 200255 PS Exclusive Tutorial - Anwendungsfehler in Statistik, Psychometrie und Diagnostik
- 010030 BA Are Conflicts Inevitable? - Religious Freedom as Question and Challenge
- 010128 DS Solidary Economy
- 010028 FS Spirit and Brain
- 200262 PS Proseminar: Einstündiges Wahlfach - Autismus: Störungsformen, Entwicklungsförderung und Langzeitprognose
- 200263 PS SOT-Coordination - Einzelbetreuung von Student Advisors
- 200270 VO History, Subjectivity, Society
EC: Psychology in Practice
- 200259 VO EC Clinical Psychology
- 200260 VO EC Educational Psychology and Evaluation
- 200261 VO EC Labour, Organisational and Business Psychology
EC: Principles of Psychology
- 200257 VO EC General Psychology I
- 200258 VO EC Developmental Psychology I
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38