A. Bachelor Degree Programme
BAK1 STEOP - Orientation Period
- 210001 VO STEOP: BA1.1 Foundations of Social Methods
- 210002 VO STEOP: BAK1.2 Propeadeuticum Political Science - (BA 2.1 Orientierungsveranstaltung)
- 210003 VO STEOP: BAK1.2 Subject-specific introduction - (BA 1.3 Fachspezifische Einführung)
BAK2 - Basic of Social Sciences
- 210004 VO BAK 2.1 Foundations of Social Theories
- 210005 VO BAK 2.2 Social sciences and social change
- 210006 VO BAK 2.3 Historical Basics
BAK 3 - Introduction to Scientific Work
- 210007 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210008 PS [ en ] BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210009 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
- 210010 PS BAK 3 Introduction to scientific work
BAK4 - Methods
- 210012 VO BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210013 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210014 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210015 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210016 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210017 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210018 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210019 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210020 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210021 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210022 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210023 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210024 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210025 UE BAK4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
BAK5 to BAK8 - Required Modules
BAK5 - Core Area of Political Science: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210026 VO BAK 5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210027 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory - Was ist Kritik?
- 210028 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210029 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory - Sozialstaatstheorien
- 210030 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210031 LK BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory - Grundlagen (herrschafts-)kritischer Wissensproduktion
BAK6 - Core Area of Political Science: The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210032 VO BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210033 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210034 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210035 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210036 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210147 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
BAK7 - Core Area of Political Science: Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210037 VO BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210038 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210039 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210040 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210041 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
- 210042 LK BAK7 Comparative Analysis of Politics
BAK8 - Core Area of Political Science: International Politics
BAK9 to BAK16 - Alternative Required Modules: Specialisation Modules
BAK9 - Political Theories and Research on Theories
- 210043 VO BAK9 Politische Theorie - Konzepte von Aufstand, Rebellion, Revolution und 'Bürgerkrieg'
- 210045 VO BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories - Eine politisch-theoretische und ideengeschichtliche Perspektive der Grundkategorie Macht
- 210046 SE BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories - Fußball und Hip Hop
- 210047 SE BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories
- 210048 SE BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories
BAK10 - International Politics and Development
- 210049 VO BAK10 International Politics and Development
- 210050 SE BAK10: SE Turmoil in the Middle East
- 210051 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development
- 210052 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development
- 210066 SE BAK10 International Politics and Development
- 210070 VO BAK 10 Political Science in practice
BAK11 - European Union and Europeanisation
- 210053 SE BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation
- 210054 SE BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation
- 210055 SE [ en ] BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation - Die Biographien der Integration (engl.)
- 210075 VO BAK11 European Union and Europeanisation
BAK12 - Austrian Politics
- 210056 VO BAK12 Austrian Politics
- 210057 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics
- 210058 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics
- 210059 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics
BAK13 - State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210061 SE BAK13 SE: Das politische System Cubas
- 210062 SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210063 SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
BAK14 - Gender and Politics
- 210064 VO BAK14 Gender and Politics
- 210065 SE BAK14 Gender and Politics
- 210079 SE BAK14 Gender and Politics
BAK15 - East European Studies
- 210067 SE BAK15 SE Central and Eastern Europe: politics, economies, societies
- 210068 SE [ en ] BAK15 SE Central and Eastern Europe: politics, economies, societies
- 210069 SE BAK15 SE Central and Eastern Europe: politics, economies, societies - autoritäre und emanzipatorische Tendenzen
BAK16 - Culture and Politics
- 210071 SE BAK16 Culture and Politics
- 210073 SE BAK16 Culture and Politics
- 210074 SE BAK15 East European Studies
BAK17 - Consolidation
- 210086 UE BAK17b.1 UE Bankenpolitik und Finanzkrise
- 210087 UE BAK17b.1 Political Science in practice
- 210088 UE BAK17b.1 Political Science in practice - Exkursion Rumänien
- 210154 UE BAK17b.1 Political Science in practice
- 210156 UE BAK17b.1: UE Peer Mentoring Politikwissenschaft Vorbereitung und Begleitung
- 210157 UE EC SE: Schreibmentoring - Politikwissenschaftliches
BAK18 - Bachelorseminar
- 210089 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210090 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210091 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210092 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210093 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210094 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210096 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
- 210159 SE BAK18 Bachelor's Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38