PM Bachelor-Module 2
- 070019 SE Seminar - Topics on the History of East Central Europe
- 070033 SE Seminar - Botanical Gardens as Spaces of Knowledge
- 070047 SE Seminar - Republicanism and Federalism in Transatlantic Modern History
- 070059 SE Seminar - The changing face of diplomacy: from the diet of princes to the role of international organisations
- 070084 SE Seminar - The Imperial Diet
- 070098 SE Seminar - Biography and historiography in the Carolingian age
- 070109 SE Seminar - Asia in the 19th century
- 070114 SE Seminar - Lebenslauf, Arbeit und Migration. Kleinräumige und globale Verbindungen
- 070224 SE Seminar - Medieval Courts and Culture
- 070267 SE Seminar - European History
- 070372 SE Seminar - Zeitgeschichte als Filmgeschichte: Von Wien nach Hollywood
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38