7.05. Complementary Study Programmes (Minors)
01. Geschichte der Antike
- 070196 VO History of the Ancient World
02. Geschichte des Mittelalters
- 070082 VO Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200)
- 070088 VO History of the Middle Ages
- 070187 VO History of the Middle Ages
03. Geschichte der Neuzeit
- 070025 VO Modern History - 1500 - 1914
- 070044 VO Modern History
- 070118 VO Further Approaches - History of Europe - an Introduction
- 070233 VO Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - Independence of American Colonies
- 070239 VO Modern History
04. Zeitgeschichte
- 070118 VO Further Approaches - History of Europe - an Introduction
- 070221 VO Contemporary History
- 070286 VO Contemporary History
05. Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte
- 070068 VO Women's and Gender History
- 070216 VO Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1 - For Wage and Love: Basic Problems regarding the History of Wage and Family Work by Women
06. Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
- 070078 VO Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
- 070080 VO Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
07. Politikgeschichte
- 070003 VO Political History
08. Kulturgeschichte
- 070062 VO Cultural History
09. Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- 070087 VO Theory of Science and History
- 070112 VO Logic of Science and Logic of History - Sozialwissenschaftlicher Theorienbaukasten für die Geschichtswissenschaften
- 070123 VO [ en ] Logic of Science and Logic of History
10. Österreichische Geschichte 1(bis ca. 1815)
11. Österreichische Geschichte 2 (seit ca. 1815)
- 070215 VO Austrian History II
12 Osteuropäische Geschichte
- 070404 VO Eastern European History
13. Globalgeschichte
- 070085 VO [ en ] Global History
- 070086 VO [ en ] Introduction to Global History
- 070249 VO Global History
14. Weitere Zugänge zur Geschichte
- 070040 VO *title to be specified* - History of Violence - National Socialism Genozides
- 070089 VO Further Approaches - - History of Technology
- 070135 VO *title to be specified* - Diplomacy and Diplomatic Service: A Tricky Area
15. Vertiefung
- 070099 VO Lecture Specialisaton 1 - History of Brazil 1500-2000
- 070110 VO [ en ] Cultural History of Eastern Europe in the Modern Period
- 070121 VO Advanced Module 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Piraterie von der Antike bis heute - ein globales Phänomen
- 070206 VO [ en ] Lecture Specialisaton 1 - Britain in the 20th century
- 070240 VO Medieval Austrian Constitutional History and History of Administration
- 070252 VO Specialisation Eastern European History I / II - Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
- 070395 VO History of Church Administration and Canon Law
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38