47 - Doctoral Directorate of Studies Life Sciences
Das Doktoratsstudium ist mit Oktober 2009 in Kraft getreten: Curriculum für das Doktoratsstudium der Naturwissenschaften sowie für das PhD-Studium der Naturwissenschaften aus dem Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften
47.01 Field of Study Biology
47.02 Field of Study Nutritional Sciences
47.03 Field of Study Molecular Biology
A. PhD Program in Life Sciences, (A094490)
1. Advanced Basic Courses
- 300068 UE+VO [ en ] Computational Structural Biology
- 300362 VO+SE [ en ] Selected Topics at the Biology - Physics Interface
2. Advanced Methods Workshops
- 300052 UE Practical Course in fluorescence-/confocal microscopy including image processing workshop - for diploma, PhD and advanced students
- 300068 UE+VO [ en ] Computational Structural Biology
- 300072 SE [ de en ] Cell Biology Today: Current Topics, Methodology, and Project Design
- 300108 UE [ en ] Advanced Methods Workshop II AMW- Illustrator - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
3. Lecture Series
- 300272 SE Fields of Problems in Molecular Biology
- 300506 SE [ en ] VBC Lecture, Part I
- 300591 VO+SE [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology - Lecture Series
- 300652 VO Molecular Biology of RNA
4. Journal Clubs
- 300010 SE [ en ] Journal Clubs III - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300058 SE [ en ] Journal Club and Work in Progress Seminar III - DK Chromosome Dynamics
- 300078 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar Neuroclub II
- 300088 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar in Molecular Plant Biology
- 300120 SE [ en ] Recent Literature in Bioinformatics III
- 300125 SE [ en ] Cell Signaling - Journal Club II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300177 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Recent literature on autophagy and membrane biology III - Journal Club: Recent literature on centrosomes and cilia IV
- 300190 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Recent literature on light reception, biological rhythms and hormone biology II
- 300229 SE [ en ] Population Genetics Journal Club
- 300236 SE [ en ] Chromatin and Transcription IV
- 300313 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Selected topics in Molecular Biophysics II
- 300327 SE [ en ] Journal Club: Recent literature on autophagy and membrane biology III
- 300395 SE [ en ] RNA Journal Club 2 - DK RNA Biology
- 300399 SE [ en ] Chromosome Dynamics - ContemporaryTopics
- 300413 SE [ en ] Connectivity Seminar: Trans/Interdisciplinary Structure Series I
- 300505 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar, Part I
5. Thesis Seminars / Work in Progress
- 300043 SE [ en ] Research report & literature discussion: Projects on ubiquitin-mediated immuneregulation II
- 300076 SE [ en ] Work in progress report III - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300091 SE [ en ] Project planning in Molecular Plantbiology
- 300093 SE New developments in chromosome biology IV
- 300112 SE [ en ] PhD Program-specific Work in Progress II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300119 SE [ en ] Recent Topics in Bioinformatics III
- 300121 SE [ en ] Advanced Signal Transduction Seminar
- 300152 SE [ en ] Advanced Seminar in Molecular Microbiology - (geneexpression)
- 300179 SE [ en ] Research Report: Projects on centrosomes and cilia IV
- 300191 SE [ en ] Research Report: Projects on light reception, biological rhythms and hormone biology II
- 300228 SE [ en ] ABC-SE Research Report: Algorithmsm, Biomolecules & Computers III
- 300265 SE [ en ] Priming your PhD - VBC PhD Programme
- 300319 SE [ en ] Research Report: Projects in Molecular Biophysics II
- 300328 SE [ en ] Mouse genetics and development II
- 300330 SE [ en ] Research Report: Projects on autophagy and membrane biology III
- 300397 SE [ en ] RNA Work in Progess 2 - DK RNA Biology
- 300400 SE [ en ] Work in progress report I
- 300422 SE [ en ] Resilience for PhD
6. Presentation & Communication Skills
- 300044 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech I - Business in Biotech I
- 300140 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Mouse Models & Histology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300154 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Autophagy - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300161 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - DNA/Protein Interactions - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300164 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Cell Culture - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300167 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - FACS - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300176 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Advanced Imaging - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300184 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Writing Research Proposals - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300189 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Developmental Biology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300194 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Structural Biology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300346 SE [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills I - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300348 SE [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
7. Elective Courses
- 300370 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 300436 VO+SE [ en ] Molecular Population Genetics
- 300480 VO Therapy of HIV Infection / AIDS
B. Doctoral Programs @ MFPL (A094490, A091490, od. A091441)
1. DK RNA Biology
- 300395 SE [ en ] RNA Journal Club 2 - DK RNA Biology
- 300397 SE [ en ] RNA Work in Progess 2 - DK RNA Biology
- 300652 VO Molecular Biology of RNA
2. DK Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Signaling
- 300108 UE [ en ] Advanced Methods Workshop II AMW- Illustrator - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300112 SE [ en ] PhD Program-specific Work in Progress II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300121 SE [ en ] Advanced Signal Transduction Seminar
- 300125 SE [ en ] Cell Signaling - Journal Club II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300140 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Mouse Models & Histology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300154 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Autophagy - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300161 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - DNA/Protein Interactions - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300164 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Cell Culture - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300167 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - FACS - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300176 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Advanced Imaging - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300184 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Writing Research Proposals - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300189 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Developmental Biology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300194 UE [ en ] UE Methodenworkshop II AMW - Structural Biology - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300346 SE [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills I - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
- 300348 SE [ en ] Presentation & Communication Skills II - DK + Molecular mechanism of cell signaling
3. DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300010 SE [ en ] Journal Clubs III - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
- 300076 SE [ en ] Work in progress report III - DK Structure and Interaction of Biological Macromolecules
4. DK Chromosome Dynamics
- 300058 SE [ en ] Journal Club and Work in Progress Seminar III - DK Chromosome Dynamics
- 300093 SE New developments in chromosome biology IV
- 300399 SE [ en ] Chromosome Dynamics - ContemporaryTopics
47.04 Field of Study Pharmacy
47.05 Field of Study Sportsscience
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38