Level Two
2.1. Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
- 200035 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200036 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200037 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200038 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200039 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200040 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200041 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200042 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200043 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200044 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200045 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200046 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200047 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200048 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200049 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200050 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200051 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200211 VO Psychopathology and biological Fundaments
2.2. Psychological Assessment
- 200033 VO Theoretical Basics, Ethical and Legal Parameters of Psychological Diagnosis
- 200060 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200061 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200062 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200063 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200064 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200065 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200066 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200067 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200068 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200069 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200070 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200071 UE Psychological Diagnosing: Test Experience, Presentation of Results
- 200085 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Rehabilitationsdiagnostik bei Erwachsenen
- 200086 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Diagnostik im Personalwesen (Öffentlicher Dienst)
- 200087 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Hochbegabtendiagnostik
- 200088 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Schul- und Laufbahnberatung bei Kindern mit Türkisch als Muttersprache
- 200089 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Verkehrspsychologische Diagnostik
- 200090 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Neuropsychologische Diagnostik bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
- 200091 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Psychologische Diagnostik und Beratung bei englischsprachigen Kindern und Jugendlichen
- 200092 UE Psychological Assessment Course
- 200094 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Personalselektion und Eignungsbeurteilung von MitarbeiterInnen
- 200095 UE Psychological Assessment Course - Neuropsychologische Diagnostik bei Erwachsenen, Älteren (Demenzdiagnostik) und in der Gutachterpraxis
- 200096 VO Psychological Assessment - children
- 200223 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200226 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- 200227 VU Techniques of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
2.3. Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200035 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200036 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200037 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200038 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200039 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200040 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200041 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200042 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200043 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200044 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200045 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200046 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200047 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200048 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200049 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200050 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
- 200051 UE Psychological Counselling Skills
2.4. Educational Psychology
- 200097 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology
- 200098 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology
- 200102 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology
- 200103 PS Proseminar Educational Psychology
2.5. Research Methods and Evaluation
- 200104 FPR Research Practical II
- 200105 FPR Research Practical II
- 200109 FPR Research Practical II
- 200113 FPR Research Practical II
2.6. Required Courses of the Diploma Module
- 200114 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200115 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200116 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200117 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200118 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200119 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200120 FLS Scientific Readings - Psychologische Diagnostik
- 200121 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200122 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200123 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200125 FS Research Seminar
- 200126 FS Research Seminar
- 200127 FS Research Seminar
- 200128 FS Research Seminar
- 200129 FS Research Seminar
- 200130 FS Research Seminar
- 200131 FS Research Seminar
- 200132 FS Research Seminar
- 200133 FS Research Seminar
- 200134 FS Research Seminar
- 200135 FS Research Seminar
- 200136 FS Research Seminar
- 200137 FS Research Seminar
- 200138 FS Research Seminar
- 200139 FS Research Seminar
- 200140 FS Research Seminar
- 200141 FS Research Seminar
- 200142 FS Research Seminar
- 200143 FS Research Seminar
- 200144 FS Research Seminar
- 200145 FS Research Seminar
- 200146 FS Research Seminar
- 200147 FS Research Seminar
- 200148 FS Research Seminar
- 200149 FS Research Seminar
- 200150 FS Research Seminar
- 200151 FS Research Seminar
- 200152 FS Research Seminar
- 200153 FS Research Seminar
- 200154 FS Research Seminar
- 200262 FS Research Seminar
- 200263 FLS Scientific Readings
- 200285 FLS Scientific Readings
2.8. Optional Subject: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
- 200155 VO Psychological Interventions: Counselling, Psychological Treatment and Psychotherapy
- 200156 VO Prevention, Rehabilitation and Health Promotion
- 200157 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Diagnostik in der Klinischen Neuropsychologie mit Schwerpunkt Altern
- 200158 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Diagnostik und Differentialdiagnostik bei Demenz
- 200159 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Klinische Kinderneuropsychologie
- 200160 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Evidenzbasierte Diagnostik psychischer Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter
- 200161 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological - Neuropsychologische Diagnostik und Rehabilitation mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des olfaktorischen Systems
- 200162 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Die Bedeutung von Metakognition, Exekutiver Funktion und Emotionsverständnis in der Klinischen Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie
- 200163 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Humor in der Klinischen und Gesundheitspsychologie
- 200164 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Psychotraumatologische Folgen von Menschenrechtsverletzungen
- 200165 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Persönlichkeitsstörungen
- 200166 PS Specific Mental Health Disorders - Störungen der intellektuell-kognitiven Entwicklung
- 200167 PS Specific Mental Health Disorders - Angststörungen und Zwangsstörungen
- 200168 PS Specific Mental Health Disorders - Gesundheitspsychologische Interventionen bei Personen mit psychischen Erkrankungen
- 200169 PS Psychosomatics and Behavioral Medicine
- 200171 PS Diagnostics in Clinical-Psychological
2.9. Optional Subject: Educational / Evaluation / Training
- 200172 PS Research methods
- 200173 PS Work Methods in Practice - Geschlechtstypische Berufswahl - Voraussetzungen und Konsequenzen
- 200174 PS Areas of application - Theorie und Praxis systemischer Interventionen
- 200175 PS Problem-oriented Seminar II
- 200176 PST Project based work in Educational Psychology, Evaluation and Training II
2.10. Optional Subject: Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology
- 200177 PS Work Analysis, Evaluation and Redesign
- 200178 PS Motivation in Organizations
- 200179 PS Market- and Consumer Psychology - market research in practice
- 200180 PS Leadership - Führung in Organisationen: Konzepte und Trends - Einblicke und Ausblicke
- 200181 PS Leadership - Die Rolle der Arbeits- und OrganisationspsychologInnen - Konzepte, Umsetzungsbeispiele und Trends
- 200182 PS Economic Psychology - Financial Decisions
- 200183 PST Research Projects in Economic Psychology II
2.11. Optional Subject: Social Psychology
- 200184 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Philosophie der Psychologie
- 200185 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Anomalistic Psychology
- 200186 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis - Political Psychology
- 200187 PS Specific Areas of Emphasis
- 200188 PS Areas of Application - Conformity, authority, social influence
- 200189 PS Areas of Application - Psychologie der Beeinflussung
- 200190 PS Areas of Application - Emotionen, Informationsverarbeitung und Entscheidungsfindung
- 200191 PS Areas of Application - Prosoziales Verhalten
- 200193 PST Project based work in Socialpsychologie II
2.12. Optional Subject: Developmental Psychology
- 200194 UE Observing Children
- 200196 UE Interviewing
- 200197 PS Applied developmental Psychology
- 200198 PS Applied developmental Psychology - Väter und Vaterschaft
- 200199 PS Methods of Psychological Assessment and Counselling: Preschool Children
- 200201 PS Methods of Psychological Assessment and Counselling: Children and Adolescents
- 200203 PRS Psychological Counseling: Toddlers and Preschoolers
- 200204 PRS Psychological Counseling: Children and Adolescents
- 200205 PST Project-based Course in Developmental Psychology I
- 200206 PST Project-based Course in Developmental Psychology II
- 200273 UE Interviewing
2.13. Optional Subject: Psychological Assessment
- 200207 PS Introduction & Case Studies: Family Assessment
- 200208 PS Introduction & Case Studies - Diagnostik von Lese-Rechtschreibstörungen
- 200209 PS Introduction & Case Studies - Erweiterte verkehrspsychologische Diagnostik
- 200210 PS Introduction & Case Studies - ADHS
2.7. Internship in Psychology
- 200212 PPR Practical Course
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38