PM Excavation Techniques 2
- 060037 PR Practical fieldwork 2 (4 weeks) - Keltische Befestigungen auf dem Mont Lassois in Vix
- 060038 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks) - Höhlensiedlungen an der Donau im Linzer Raum
- 060041 PR Practical fieldwork 2 (4 weeks) - (Trockenbodensiedlung)
- 060049 VU Field Archaeology 2 - Documentation & Guidelines of the Fed. Office for the Protection of Monuments
- 060058 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks) 1/2: Krems-Wachtberg - palaeolithic open air site
- 060084 UE Surveying for Archaeologists
- 060085 PR Practical fieldwork 2 (4 weeks) - (Hornsburg, Kreuttal)
- 060097 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks) (Gars/Thunau) - Gars/Thunau
- 060099 UE Introduction Stratigraphy
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38